48 Special Training Part 2 (1/2)


”Let's see what can you teach me, that my Grandfather and Uncle Nathan can't do.” said Arthur with determined face.

”Heh, made up your mind already? Let me remind you, my training course is a little different from your family style of teaching.” said the middle-aged man as he looked at Arthur provokingly.

”Yeah, I want to see, if what you can teach me can be really helpful for me to catch up with my brother.” said Arthur resolutely.

”Hm?? Brother? Don't you only have an older sister? How can you have a brother?” asked the middle-aged man with a confused expression.

Arthur hesitate for a few moments before saying. ”Ahm... He is adopted by our family 6-years ago. Even though we are not related by blood, he is still my brother. As for his previous background, I'm sorry Mister, I can't tell you about that.”

”Nah, actually I'm not that interested with your family matters. I still have a problem of my own. I've just become a little bit curious, that's all. After all, if you say that you want to catch up on him, then that kid should also have the same talent as yours, or maybe greater.” said the middle-aged man nonchalantly.

”Hmm... Yeah, he has the same talent as mine, but at the same time, he also ahead of me on some aspects. For example, he is a 'Battle Genius' with 'Immediate Response' talent, and couple with that, he has a pretty much strong 'Willpower' which give him a monstrous talent in 'Mentalism'. Actually, he just became a Dual-Practioner just recently.” said Arthur as he boast about his brother's talents.

The middle-aged man raise his brows when he heard that. Then, add a little more. ”Huh? That was a pretty talented young man. Looks like you really have a tough road a head of you.”

The middle-aged man pause for a moment to stand up, pats Arthur's shoulder and said. ”But don't worry, your talent is on par on him at least. So let's formally start your special training.”

”First, let's begin with your fighting class talent. You haven't explored the real essene of being a 'Martial-Art Prodigy' yet. Being a Martial-Art Prodigy is the same as having a very high comprehensive ability. And having that kind of comprehensive ability, also means that you can learn a lot of things in a more easy way. But.... That was not all, that also means that you can understand things more clearly.”

”To say it in a more simple way, You can understand all the skills that you have learned, and that includes the skills that you are going to learn.”

Arthur listened on the middle-aged man attentively and get the main point, but he already know those, so he asked confusedly. ”But I already knew about that, so what is the purpose of telling me about these?”

”You can learn skills in a more easy way and can understand it more clearly.”

”That phrase stands for three things. First, you can use your comprehensive ability to learn skills even if you just saw them once.”

”Second, you can use that comprehensive ability to understand those skills more clearly and unleash their full potential. You can even transform those skill into something new if you use that ability properly.”

At this point, Arthur interrupted the middle-aged man and asked curiously. ”Transformed into something new? What did you mean about that?”

”Ha! I almost forgot about that. OK, let me show you something interesting.” said the middle-aged man before taking a fighting stance.

He took a half-step backwards with his right leg before raising both of his arms with clench fists, it is just the typical military boxing stance. Then, he guide some of his internal Qi towards his right fist, before taking one step forward and throwing a straight punch on the air.


'Advance Military Arts: Meteor Shotgun'


Once the punch punch was thrown, the middle-aged man's fist release a bunch of internal Qi in front of it, resulting for a small explosion and creating a gusting wind. If that punch directly hit someone, then they are going to have a huge hole in their body.

”What do you think?” asked the middle-aged man.

”That was a typical 'Meteor Shotgun', nothing special.” said Arthur uninterestedly.

”Then, how about this.” The middle-aged man do another. The same stance, the same movements, but different results. Because this time, a powerful explosion was created in front of the middle-aged man fist after he throw the punch. And together with it is a chaotic gusting winds that are send in all directions, it looks like it created a mini-strom.


If the previous version can make a hole in someone else body, then this punch can blast someone into pieces.

”What!?” Arthur stared blankly at the scene not knowing what to say.

”See that? That is the same 'Meteor Shotgun', yet also different. The purpose of that punch is to throw a powerful attack to your opponent, just like an unstoppable meteor with the explosiveness of a bullet from a shotgun. If you get what I'm saying, then you'll understand the second usage of you high comprehensive ability.” said the middle-aged man.

Then he didn't wait for Arthur's next words and continue discussing the topic. ”OK, that was enough. Let's go back to the topic. The third usage of your high comprehensive ability is to use it against your opponent.”

”If you can learn a skill even if you just saw it once, and can improve them into something new by fixing its flaws. Then, you can also do it in a reverse manner, like pinpointing the flaws of someone else Martial-Art skills.”

”Oh...” Arthur become amazed by the middle-aged man's words. Then, he suddenly remembered something. ”Pinpointing out someone else flaws? Is it the same as the ability of a 'Gifted Adept'.?”

The middle-aged man replied calmly. ”Hah! You wish. Of course it is different. A Gifted Adept can not only see the fault on someone else skill, even if they only saw it once. They can also immediately counter it, as long as they have experience it once. And the most scary thing on it is they can repeatedly counter your skills even if you manage to fix the flaws in it multiple times.”

”On the other hand, you can only study others' flaws by looking at their skills carefully, while countering it is a different issue.”

'But it is a different story of you coupled it with you 'Foresight' talent though.' thought the middle-aged man in his mind, before sitting once again and said. ”OK, that is enough for now. First, take some rest and digest all the things that I have said. After that, I want you to restart learning all of your Martial-Art skills and study them more deeply. You should start with your Family Martial-Arts.”