Chapter 87 (1/2)

Chapter 87 – Good and Evil Role Reversal! The Attackers Are Now The Defenders!

“Attack!” A player shouted.

“Defend!” I shouted to my troops, as giving orders to them made them affected by my <Command> skill. It wasn’t as effective as when I directed my servants, but it was still useful nonetheless.

“Why are those NPCs so strong!?” A player said.

“Shouldn’t they be just a bunch of gangsters!?” Another exclaimed.

I also made my servants buff the troops, which might not be as effective as if they buffed only one person, but it was still helpful.

“Retreat if you’re at less than 30% HP! Groups 1 to 3, move forward!” A player commanded.

“Genocider, please command me!” A weird player said.

“Do you want us to lose!?” Another shouted at this weird one.

Ignoring those two, I focused on the battle at hand. It should be a given that they not only have people with buffing skills, but also people with command skills. When pairing that up with the difference in numbers, our position ends up being pretty disadvantageous.

… However, “Did you all drink the antidotes I gave you? I’m gonna throw that thing!” I asked to the troops nearby.

“Yes!” They shouted.

“What’s she going to do-!?” A player asked as I threw an explosive in the middle of the player group. It not only spread a bunch of iron scraps, but also released a colored poisonous smoke.

“Gyah!” A player shouted.

“Genocide Poison!” Another said.

“Try finding a way to make an antidote with magic!” Another gave an order.

… Just what is Genocide Poison? Did the poisons I made have such a name? That’s the first I heard of it… Let’s ask Yuu later.

For the time being though, let’s kill the person trying to cure the poison by throwing an iron scrap at them. I can’t let them recover this easily after all.

“Damn it!” A player shouted.

“Can we try waiting until it passes!?” A player asked.

“Impossible! This is Geno-Poison!” Another player answered.

“Damn it all!” The asker shouted.

So Genocide Poison can be abbreviated as Geno-Poison then… It doesn’t matter, let’s keep on killing the healers.