Chapter 35 - 35 Chen Fashion Jewelry Corporation Annual Anniversary….. Let the Show Begin (6) (1/1)

Assistant Yuan grab the microphone to inform the guest that the party was over and he apologized for the inconvenience that has happened… Louie….. Sofia called him….. Louie this is not true…. Someone is framing me... Sofia was crying as she spoke…. She was totally ruined in every way. She is not the goddess supermodel and actress that everybody knows and idolizes by the City A. My dear, please believe me…. Someone just use a device to pretend to be me…. Sofia was now on her knees and crying asking him to believe her...

Your party is really a great show Louie….. Bernard shouted as he want to get the attention of everyone….. You see Louie, I was the first man who tasted Sofia…. I was her first in everything….. I really didn't knew that you are easily fooled by a woman…. Then he laughs…. Sofia my love, I'm sorry but I can't take it that you are belong to other man's arms every night and I can only have you if you need a project to your career….. So from this day on….. We are through…. No more Friends with benefits….. Bernard added as he gets off the stage and walks out of the room but he was blocked by Dimitri's men…. Dimitri ordered his men that no one will leave the room except for the Wu triplets; Bernard can't do anything as he was held Dimitri's men.​​

Louie was very angry as he heard it….. He strides to where Sofia was but Ethan and Kim grabbed him on the shoulder to stop him; his friends knew that time Louie is not in his proper state of mind. They knew that Louie wants to kill both Sofia and Bernard…. He now remembered what happened that day; as he looks to his friends…. They all remembered what really happened, Louie can process everything in his mind. He thinks his head will burst into pieces.

Now he realize that he was totally messed up….. He had the woman he really likes and love into his hand but he let it go…. He let her slip to his grasps. He close his eyes as he pictured Luna's face on the day before she left his house…. On how he force himself to her body and on how he beats her…. but how he will make it up for Luna…. Now that Luna was gone... gone to his life...…

Out of nowhere Dimitri suddenly speaks up….. Enough for everyone to look unto him….. Mr. Louie Chen one of your main problem is ”You didn't Trust your girl, now that she has gone you suddenly realize that she was a very rare gem that you will never know how many men want her. But she decides to choose you and make you her king”. But you already lose her... and even you crossed with her path, we don't know if you will be her king or just a mere mutual acquaintance to her. As Dimitri finished his words he and Audrey walks out the tent, but before they exited the venue he gave a murderous glare to the Su family….. Then he approach them….. You look so pitiful Mrs. Sofia Chen….. But remember this, if you try to hurt again Lady Scarlet nor my sister Autumn…. You will wish that you are not born into this world….. And this is not a threat but a warning. Then he and Audrey left the venue, followed by their body guards. The body guards dumped Bernard Dantes is a seat nearby as one of the body guards gave him a hard blow to his stomach.

No one dares to talk after Dimitri left… the atmosphere inside the party venue was very cold….. The Wu triplets were speechless as their mind try to process everything. Cassie Wu speaks up to break the silence inside the venue….. She called Louie…..

Louie…. Louie! MR.LOUIE CHEN!!!! Cassie shouted, then everybody gaze to her….. Sofia is still hurt but she can't feel the pain of her wound but rather her head hurts….. It hurts so much because she can't imagine that this will be her downfall of being the wife of Louie Chen….. Louie…. You have to bring Sofia to the hospital. She needs medical attention or her wound will be infected. She reminded him that his ”precious wife” was hurt. Louie just stare to Sofia….

Mr. James Su and Mrs. Suzy Su; the Su couple was surprised for his way of addressing them…..please attend to your daughters' needs…. Assistant Yuan will be with you…. As for me, Atty. Alberts and I will have a meeting to process our divorce as soon as possible. Louie said to them in a firm voice. And I don't want to see you inside my Villa anymore, your things will be delivered to the Su Villa by tomorrow. Louie said everything what his heart tells him so…. Sofia can't believe what was happening... especially when she heard the word DIVORCE…..

Louie…. Please don't do this….. Don't do this to me… she pleaded to her husband. Louie I can't live without you…. Louie I love you with all my heart…. Sofia looks so pathetic at that point as she begs to Louie. But seems that didn't hear her….. Sofia stands up and run towards Edward and Mia Chen... Mom… Dad…. Please help me….. Please tell Louie that I didn't do it….. Someone is framing me... Sofia ask for their help... Mia Chen couldn't take it anymore and she told her what Sofia was on her mind … enough! She yelled… enough for the humiliation you have brought to our family….. We all have heard the phone conversation… and here is Director Bernard Dantes whom assured to us that you are his woman…. What do you want? Hmmm... If Louie wants to divorce… isn't it the proper way for fooling him… you've also fooled us….. She added and looks up to her husband.

Mr. James Su, starting tomorrow the Chen Corporation will pull out the stocks we have invested to your company, and you have to pay us 3 billion for moral damages. Declared Edward Chen… and staring today we cut ties to your family… Sofia Su… you are no longer our daughter in law and you have no right to call us Mom and Dad…. And we will ask the court for protection order against you and your family for further threats or any unnecessary circ.u.mstances'. Sofia was astonish for what she have heard as she stepped back and bumped her b.u.t.t in the table nearest to her; for the Su couple…. They felt that a lightning struck onto them… they can't believe what was happening…. Without the help of the Chen Corporation their company will be bankrupt. Edward you can do this….. You can't pull out you investments to our company….. James Su roared to Edward…. Edward glared to James Su and his words to them gave him a heart attack… I just did….. I just did James….. And both Chen couple left the said venue….

Louie was surprise for what his parents just did… he witnessed how ruthless were his parents are….. And for him he just gaze up to Sofia… he can't feel any emotion towards her….. Cassie, he called Luna's friend…. Could lend your office to me for an hour… my attorney and I need to do something. And if you want the three of you together with Ethan and Kim can authenticate this things to the court. The Wu triplets agreed to him. As the six of them leaves the room. Louie spoke to Yuan….

Assistant Yuan please escort the Su family to the hospital. And pay for the medical expenses. After that be sure to be back in here but before that could you please buy some sweets at the Café Elise… if you have to buy all the sweet treats there buy them... Louie ordered his assistant…. Ethan and Kim was confuse to Louie's order to his assistant…. Why do you need the sweets from Café Elise? Jessica Wu ask him…. Louie smiled….. The first real smiled they've seen coming from him that night….. I want to give it to Lady Autumn Jessy…. I know in my heart that Autumn and Luna is the same person…. If I need to court her again…. I will do it…. I will fight for her…. This time I'll do it right….. Sofia heard everything... Sofia was very furious as she wants to curse Autumn….. Sofia doesn't have the strength to argue….. Louie we will talk tomorrow right…. She ask Louie as she wants to get her attention but it seems that Louie ignored her. Assistant Yuan witness it and to save her for further humiliation he approach his former Lady Boss.

Let's go Ms. Sofia, Assistant Yuan told them….. James Su and his wife pick up Sofia as they can't do anything at that moment….. The Su family left the venue with Assistant Yuan….. Louie saw the disappearing silhouettes of the Su Family. Ethan pats his back…. As he turns his head toward his friend…. Ethan told him: Louie we have to further investigate what really happened to Luna…. And if Luna is Autumn, she might be suffering from amnesia that's why she can't recognize you… us…. And even the Wu triplets. Louie nods his head…. But the Wu triplets just look to each other as they are talking to each other silently... Unknown to them… the Wu triplets already know that Autumn is Luna and she is not suffering from amnesia…..