5 Memory Four: More Dreams, And A Day in Town (1/1)

Will was having another weird dream. This time he was trapped in a small silver ball just laying there sleeping as if life didn't exist and time never passed. Will felt another presence just then.”Who are you?” Will asked the presence. ”Me? I'm -----, wait who are you?” Will had been asked in return by an unfamiliar voice. ”Ah, are you the one from--” Before he could go on Will woke up after his alarm went off making an annoying beeping sound. ”Well that's great, stupid alarm I almost got my question answered.” Will mumbled as he got up and smacked the alarm so it shut off. He got dressed quickly in his usual clothes knowing he was running a bit late in meeting everyone today. He quickly left his dorm room with a piece of toast hanging out of his mouth heading for their ”usual spot” hidden in the burned down building.

Meanwhile, Lily woke up with a rather startled expression. She kept having horrible dreams about an incident in the old training room, which only made her more curious about it. Tonight's dream was of a boy, whose face she couldn't see, pushing her and Leona out of the way of a pillar. It then quickly cut to metal spikes enveloping the training room like she saw when she tried to get in there several weeks ago. ”Man... maybe i should stop eating rice crackers before bed...” Lily mumbled with a small laugh as she got dressed then left her dorm room as if the dream never happened, she made out for the usual spot to meet her friends. ”Wonder what's gonna be planned for today. Hopefully something to take my mind off things.” Lily mumbled to herself as she entered the hideout, with Will coming in right after her.

As Will and Lily entered, Jacob was talking with Leona trying to figure out what to do today. ”But Leona, why not?” Jacob asked Leona with a puzzled look on his face. ”Because we went to the beach yesterday!” Leona explained while Will and Lily took seats on a couch opposite to them. ”Well since we went to the beach yesterday, then why don't we all go into Matin Town today?” Lily asked feeling as if they all might hate her for suggesting it since Matin Town was mainly a place to shop. It was a quaint town on the coast that was known for its old brick streets, brick buildings, and trolleys. But more well known as being a town of the rising sun, or ”morning-town”. ”Sure, why not.” Will replied for Leona and Jacob as they got up to leave the room.

Lily walked with Will down the pathway to the train station while Leona and Jacob lingered behind. ”I always wonder why those two always act strange around us.” Will thought out loud as he walked with Lily and the others stayed out of earshot too occupied with bickering among themselves. ”Well those two have always been strange, even when they were young they were pretty strange.” Lily replied giggling to herself as she thought back to when they all used to play together, although Will wasn't around, there was another set of kids she couldn't quite remember. When she tried it gave her a slight headache, thus she didn't think about it too much. ”Oh, well they could try and tone it down, but I'm guessing that's never gonna happen.” Will blushed a little as Lily laughed at his comment, feeling stupid to say such a thing about the others out loud.

The train ride from the station to Matin Town was longer than it is to the beach so the group killed time by talking about what they would do with the rest of summer break. Will in the meantime stared out the train window at the coastline. ESFI felt so far away from everything, of course that was because it was located on a small Island off the coastline of the country Maona. Though the train lines that were built helped with traveling to Matin Town, and from there they could catch other trains that could take them all over the country. At this time Will was thinking of the sun. The sun always looked great in the afternoon and morning to Will, the middle of the day not so much though since it didn't have a pretty color. ”Always sets red huh?” Will mumbled as he watched the town get closer and closer by the minute.

As soon as the group got to town they left the station and walked down to the main shopping streets. The girls wanted to go shopping, so Jacob and Will were forced to walk around carrying numerous bags of clothes and other things the girls had bought. Although both boys refused to go into a lingerie store, the girls just laughed and went in anyway while the guys got coffee at a small cafe called ”Cafe Kofi” across the way. ”Gee those girls just don't know when to quit.” Jacob said as he and Will sat at an outside table taking sips of their coffee, basking in the afternoon sun while waiting for the girls to come out of the store. ”Yeah, I know right? You'd think they were robots with all the shopping they do, and they make us carry the heavy bags!” Will told Jacob rather enthusiastically as they both began laughing from the thought of the girls being shopping robots.

The two sat for a while just watching the locals walk by enjoying their time in the good afternoon weather. Will sighed as he looked to the sky wondering what the evening would bring them although he knew it would be mainly sleep by the time they got back. Meanwhile Jacob made a game out of stacking the creamer cups in a pyramid, then when that wasn't enough he also stacked other things that were sitting on the table on top of the pyramid as well. Will of course helped him with this as it helped pass the time. Although something strange happened when Will placed a salt shaker on the tower they were making. Everything suddenly stopped as if it were frozen.

Will sat there for a moment before he realized that Jacob wasn't moving, nor was anyone or anything else. When he looked up the birds above him were even frozen in the air. ”What the?” Was all he could say before he noticed some movement in the corner of his eye. When he turned Will was standing face to face with a girl with messy purple hair wearing an over-sized pink/purple striped hoodie just on the other side of the railing next to him. Will noticed that all the other people had disappeared from the walking street when time seemingly stopped. She was much shorter than he was, maybe about 5'1”, he had to look slightly down at her to see her face. ”Enjoying yourself Will?” the girl asked in a small cute tone with a smile. ”Well I was- wait how do you know my name? Have we met before?” Will asked the girl who had a sly grin on her rather adorable face. ”Well you and I have never met, but me and HIM met forever ago.” She told will in a matter of fact tone. The girl then held her hand up to her chest saying ”I wish he would come back soon, I miss him”. Will looked at her curiously and took a step backwards. ”Are you the one doing this? If so how? Also who are you talking about?” Will asked only his curiosity growing with each time she talked.

”Wouldn't you like to know? How about remembering my name first?” She asked him as she walked a step forward and leaned on the railing of the cafe patio that divided it from the main street. ”Your name? How am I supposed to know that? we just met.” Will asked while picking his brain trying to think if he did in fact meet her before. ”Well I'll give you a hint, it begins with an E.” The girl slyly told him before another girl with green hair wearing a black leather jacket and jeans ran up next to her. ”Come on we gotta go now! They know we are here!” the green haired girl said to the smaller one in a panic.

”Oh Shura you ruined it! He was just about to remember!” The girl complained to her friend as the sight of the other girl actually triggered a headache for Will. Will suddenly saw an image of the same girl with a few other people. The smaller girl was holding onto the arm of a guy whose face Will couldn't see. ”Ugh… E-.... Eevi?” Will painfully spit out as his head throbbed. ”Huh? so you do have his memory!” Eevi gleefully quipped as Shura tugged her arm in one direction ”Come on let's go! Before we get killed!”. ”Oh alright. Well bye Will, see ya around.” Eevi said with a wink towards Will, she then grabbed Shura's hand and they quickly swirled out of existence in a pink and purple poof.

As soon as the girls were gone time seemed to snap back to normal, the people in the streets were there, everything was back.

”Hey you okay Will?” that question from Jacob shook Will back to reality as he looked down at the table next to him where his friend was staring at him questioningly. ”Yeah, Yeah I'm good, just spaced out I guess.” Will told him with a nervous laugh. ”You didn't see any of that?” Will asked as he sat down at the table and helped build the tower more. ”See what? All i saw was you standing there staring off into the crowd like a loon.” Jacob told him as he helped balance the tower. Will decided on not filling Jacob in with the details of what just transpired as he figured Jacob would just think he was crazy. Though he did want to check something ”Hey, Have you ever met someone named Shura or Eevi?” he asked ”Hmmm… They sound super familiar but I'd have to see them to remember, why?” Jacob replied as he tried to get a sugar cube to sit still on the tower. ”Oh. no reason. Just was wondering. Rumors ya know?” Will said as he tried to deflect the stare he got from his friend.

A couple minutes later the girls finally came out of the lingerie store. Jacob and Will had just finished making quite a large tower of tableware that the girls just laughed and rolled their eyes at, sort of impressed with their antics. The boys of course grabbed all the girls bags and they all slowly walked back to the train station where they would catch one of the last trains back home. By then it was late afternoon so there wasn't as many students on the train back to campus. Leona was passed out on Lily's shoulder and Jacob sitting upright asleep next to Will. Lily and Will exchanged a glance and a chuckle. ”It's been fun today, thanks for coming Will.” Lily said in a soft tone as she moved some hair from Leona's face. ”Oh, yeah, no problem Lily. It's been a fun day.” Will replied with a slight blush turning his face away. The two sat there in a happy silence for a while as the train neared the school.

After they got to the Station Will and Lily woke the other two then exited the train with everything. The girls walked ahead of the guys egging them on with the promise of ice-cream tomorrow, giving them encouragement to make it back to school with the loads of heavy bags they had to carry in their hands. When the small group of friends finally got back from Matin Town, Will carried Lily's bags to her dorm for her and Jacob carried Leona's bags to her dorm.

”Thanks Will, you were a big help today.” Lily told him as she watched him set the bags down in her room. ”Ha, ha, ha, very funny Lily. Good night.” Will said as he set the bags down just inside her dorm room door and turned to leave, Lily only waved goodbye as the boy left ”You think he would take a hint, He's too cute sometimes” she mumbled to herself. Will walked over towards the guys dorm rooms taking a small path that lead from the girls dorms to the guys. On his way over Will was thinking of the two girls he had met and passed a dark haired boy who looked to be the same age as him. He was even wearing their school uniform heading towards the girls dorms, it even felt like they bumped into each other but as Will turned around no one was there.

”Huh? i swear someone was there a minute ago... Do i know him?” Will wondered to himself as he saw Jacob coming down the path after him. Jacob only waved hello and the two boys walked back to their rooms without much of a word since they were tired from lifting the bags for hours. After Will said goodnight to Jacob he entered his room, changed into his pajamas, and flopped down on the bed. He just lay'd in bed thinking about the day and how much fun he had with his friends as well as about the two girls. These thoughts on his conversation with Eevi kept him awake for a little while but he soon fell happily asleep after remembering the great time he had with his friends.