Chapter 19 (1/2)

The Simulacrum Egathentale 140570K 2022-07-24

Part 1

I looked over the search results on the monitor and nodded in satisfaction. With this, all traces of Sebastian's past should be shrouded well beyond recovery. Well, at least as far as the Celestials were concerned, and not counting the backup I had safely tucked away on a USB drive, but that was beside the point. I've also already printed out a set of the offending database entries. I planned to hand those over to the stuck-up bastard later, just so that he couldn't claim I was lying. He always struck me as an analog person, hence the tree-carcass-based information carrier.

Now granted, we were talking about the repository of the biggest, most well-organized information network of the world here (according to them, at the very least), so if the Celestials couldn't figure out the man's real identity with all this data at their fingertips already, Sebastian's secret was probably fairly safe. Until a suitably dramatic moment demanded its reveal, that is, but that was just my speculation based on the setting, so it was neither here nor there.

Of course, there was another way to quickly figure out his identity, considering his name was literally a variation of 'Fafnir' from the Nibelungenlied. However, taken that other people here didn't seem to be aware of the significance of their names, be they placeholders or 'main characters', the chance of someone connecting the dots just like I did was vanishingly low.

Anyways, I spent the extra time I had after editing the database trying to figure out if the Hub offered me any way to deal with my newfound supernatural stalker, but the best advice my roundabout inquiries got me, both as 'Admin' and under a different alias (I started using several sock-puppets for editing and questions, by the way), was that I should talk to the local Magi representative. It was apparently one of those ‘unspoken rule' things; any such disturbances were supposed to be run by them first, as they didn't take kindly when other factions operated in the open inside their territory.

I sat back in my chair and thought about that for a second. I had to talk to the class rep and her ilk sooner or later anyway, as they were the logical next step in my exploration of this world. The Celestial Hub provided me with recent and relevant information. The Dracis library should, hopefully, provide me with cross-references and a less ‘dear leader'-centric history of the world. Those were both very important in terms of helping me pass as an informed player in the local secret societies, but neither of them helped my ultimate goal of figuring out the actual nature of the world.

My biggest obstacle in that regard was magic. The very existence of it. So long as I didn't know the exact nature or limitations of it, I could never be sure if something was an actual indication towards how this universe worked or just plain old, run-of-the-mill magic, silly as that might've sounded. On top of all that I still had my Far Sight to experiment with, plus there were all those other times I did inexplicable things. For example, during the time when the princess and Snowy were fighting, I remember jumping through a glass door without actually hitting it. And if we were at that, on my very first day I had fallen down the stairs and somehow landed on the locked roof. That couldn't have been normal either.

So yeah, I may have had other superpowers as well, though I had no idea how to test those. Maybe by running into walls to see if I passed through them? That could cause some headache, quite literally.

Oh, right, and on top of all that I was also embroiled in Josh's harem with my own love triangle, because why would I ever catch a break? Well, okay, that last one I could solve fairly quickly, but I was still waiting for the right opportunity to do so. It wasn't like I was indecisive or anything, I was just doing a thing.

After a while, I simply let out an exasperated groan. Sometimes I wished that there were more hours in a day. Not having to sleep, a minor superpower in and of itself, already made me unnaturally efficient, but it just wasn't enough.

I stretched my arms and looked at the clock. It was a little after six. I still had a good hour before I had to set out for school, and I already had my fill with the Celestial Hub. I didn't want to think about my relationship hardships either, so instead I decided to focus on my powers.

As I mentioned before, walking into walls wasn't my idea of fun, so I tried to concentrate on Far Sight, and I already had a target in mind. I emptied my mug and put it on the desk before I closed my eyes and focused on the image of Sebastian.

There was a moment of mild nausea, as usual, before my consciousness expanded towards my target. If I had to visualize it, I'd say it felt like I extended a very thin and long tendril towards a dot on the edge of my sight, and once the two connected, I was suddenly seeing everything like I was actually there. It was eerie, but I already got used to it.

After the first second of disorientation passed, I quickly recognized the place as the stuffy old trophy room in which I met Sebastian just a couple of hours ago. He was sitting in his large armchair behind the big desk opposite the door and was in the middle of gingerly polishing the detached front plate of the gilded armor from the corner. I glanced over there and I involuntarily raised a brow as I noticed three large tears running in parallel on the exposed back-plate. They honest to goodness looked like claw-marks, and as far as I knew, they were just that.

The butler raised the piece of mirror-shined metal in front of him and grinned with a childish glee that was incredibly weird on his face. He stood up and carried the plate over to the rest of the armor with a satisfied chuckle and skillfully buckled it back into its place. Then, and I swear to god I am not lying, he put on a pair of large, floral-print oven mittens and picked up the worn spear from the floor and positioned it in the hands of the suit until it looked exactly like it was when I first came to the room.

He spent the next couple of minutes moving around in his lair and arranging his belongings, which wasn't particularly riveting to watch. I was about to leave and take a look at my next target when his antique rotary phone rang. He walked over to the desk and picked it up.

”Yes?” Someone was talking on the other side, obviously, and he sat down and began stroking his beard while he listened. ”Of course. It appears the boy took a fancy to your daughter. ... Yes, as much as it pains to admit it, the attraction seems to be mutual. ... No, you do not need to worry. I believe he is only doing all this to try and impress us. It's typical courtship behavior, I believe. Yes? No, I don't think there is any harm in giving him access to the library, though he may require oversight. Yes. Yes, I will do that. No, I shall only tell him about your decision in a couple of days. It will do good for the newt to learn that not everything will fall into his lap. ... Thank you, I wish the same to you.”

He put down the receiver with a smug smile and promptly returned to fiddling with his collection. I took a deep breath to stop myself from trying to whack him over the head with my nonexistent limbs and put my simmering irritation aside for the time being. I purposefully averted my attention and began slipping out of the Far Sight. I was just about to return to my room when I stopped mid-transit and pondered for a second.

I've already determined that I could observe people with whom I've been in physical contact. Because of this, I couldn't detect the Faun... but maybe I could detect his boss. I tried picturing Crowey, though I had a slightly harder time considering I've only seen the guy in person once, yet I could still make out a fuzzy ‘dot' I could reach towards. I did so, and while the nausea was a little stronger than usual, I still found myself in the presence of my target all the same.

Not only that, I somehow managed to show up in my non-corporeal form at the best possible moment. Why's that? Well, I just happened to barge in on a meeting between the bastard and my stalker.

”I believe,” the Faun spoke in a deep, rumbling yet surprisingly articulate voice, ”we must observe him further.”

”You are testing my patience!” Crowey snapped at him from the dining table. Speaking of which, they were in what I presumed to be a fancy hotel room, and the guy was in the process of stuffing an entire turducken into his spindly frame for breakfast. The Faun stood at a respectful distance, and to my surprise, I found his silhouetted hard to make out; it was as if he was covered in a kind of dark haze. However, once I focused my attention on him, I also realized that he was subtly glowing the colorless magical light that probably only I could see. As I thought about it, maybe there was something similar going on during our nightly encounters, and I just attributed his low visibility to the darkness of the late evening. Now that I knew that I should be on the lookout for telltale signs of magic instead, I suddenly felt much more confident about noticing him first.

That said, the Faun bowed his head subserviently and answered.

”It is my sincere opinion that the young man is more than meets the eye.”

”No he isn't!” Crowey exclaimed while threateningly waving his fork around. ”I touched that boy and tried to set the Mana in his veins aflame. He is so powerless he didn't even notice!”

”My Liege, I believe there are many qualities of power not predicated on one's command of the mystic arts.”

”No there aren't! And stop growling already and talk like a normal person! You are taking away my appetite.”

I swear I saw the brows of the Faun twitch even through the haze, and I couldn't help but feel sympathy for the poor bastard. I mean, I didn't like him stalking and ambushing me, but having that prick for a boss must 've been harsh.

”Yes, lord,” he answered with an abrupt change in his tone, suddenly sounding like the stereotypical brute his appearance suggested.

”I want you to shadow that boy, and if an opportunity presents itself, off him. Make it look like an accident. You are good at that.”

”Will do. Throw in front of car?”

”That should do.”

”If there is car, I will do,” the Faun grumbled, and while Crowey was apparently satisfied with his answer, I couldn't help but laugh. He didn't see it, but the Faun was definitely rolling his eyes in exasperation.

”Go wake my sister and tell her to continue her task. I want the area prepared by the end of the week.”

”Will tell.”

”Of course you will. Once you are done with that, make sure the Chimera is well-fed. I don't want another accident. You are dismissed.”

The Faun bowed deeply to his irritating master and walked out of the room with quiet steps, thought I couldn't help but notice that she seemed to favor one of his legs. I stayed around for a few more minutes to see if there would be any further developments, but all I got to see was Crowey stuffing his noggin, which got old really fast. As such, I returned to my room and made a quick note about not going anywhere near traffic for the foreseeable future.

That said, I was also reminded that I should start getting ready for school, so I proceeded to engage in a slightly more elaborate morning routine than usual to help all the new info sink in, including a full bath, some extra time fixing my eternally unruly hair, and I even had a full meal for breakfast, or at least as far as instant noodles plus a plateful of frozen spaghetti could be considered a full meal.

Even with all those, I was a couple of minutes early when I left my house and headed for Judy's place. She just finished her breakfast when I got there, so I only had to wait for her a little before we both headed to the princess's mansion. On the way, I gave her a quick outline of the data I gathered from the Hub and the extra tidbits I gained from observing Sebastian and Crowley. I naturally left out the part about how there was a big ram-man after my blood. I didn't want to worry her too much.

”I think I can recall a certain person saying he would not use his powers to spy on people.”

”Who was this person?”

”You, Chief.”

I waved a hand dismissingly.

”Pics or it didn't happen.”

”I have an eidetic memory and I can vouch for it.”

”Objection!” I exclaimed as I pointed a finger at her. ”I would like to forward a motion to dismiss the testimony of the lovely young lady on the witness stand, as she is obviously biased.”

”Objection overruled,” she answered as she brought down her fist on her palm. ”The jury finds no problem with her testimony.”

”What jury?”

She pointed at herself. ”Me.”

”Ack! So you are both judge, jury, and executioner?”

”Indeed,” She nodded emphatically. ”I am the law!”

I forced myself to stop snickering and nodded in approval.

”So I guess you watched the movie we talked about?”

”I did,” she answered with a nod of her own. ”It was funny.'

”I'm glad to hear that.”

My last words punctuated our arrival at the gates of the mansion. Once again proving that my timing was absolutely impeccable, the princess exited the front door mere seconds after we showed up. She was followed by Melinda, and I waved for both of them to come over.

”Hi Leo,” she greeted me with a surprising lack of embarrassment. ”Judy too.”

”I was relegated to an afterthought,” my dear assistant stated in a whisper, but she still returned the greeting in the form of a nod.

”Morning, princess. I figured we should pick you up for a change so that we wouldn't need to run into each other by ‘accident'.”

Now that I finally got a blush out of her (not that I was looking forward to it or anything), I switched my attention to the maid diligently standing by at her side and told her, ”Could you please ask Sebastian to come out for a moment? I wish to speak with him.”

Melinda twitched in surprise and shook her head apologetically.

”I'm sorry, but von Fraenir has left on a business trip this morning.”

I raised a skeptical brow at her, and then I peeked a little with my Far Sight and shook my head.

”Melinda, please. I know he probably told to lie to me, and I'm not going to hold it against you, so could we cut the chase short and just pretend you didn't say that? Please go in and tell him to stop arranging his creepy Japanese dolls on the cupboard and step out for a moment.”

She opened her mouth to argue, but then she closed it without a word and she left after a short curtsy. I shook my head and turned to the curious pair at my side.

”This won't take long, but you can go ahead if you'd like. I'll catch up with you.”

”Are you sure?”

”Yeah, I have long legs.”

The princess gave me a flat look and turned on her heel with a small grimace. Judy followed suit, leaving me alone in front of the mansion's gates for a good minute until the disgruntled steward showed up and walked up to me.

”What is it, boy?” he asked with thundering eyes hidden behind low-set brows. I smiled at him in turn and reached into my bag.

”Good morning to you too. Here, my part of the bargain.” I handed over the documents and swiftly explained what they were about, including the original sources he should look into if he wanted to make sure others wouldn't make the connections in the future. He looked fairly surprised at first, but then he rapidly forced himself back into his angry butler persona. I shrugged off his scowl and told him, ”I'm going to come over with my assistant later this evening to see your library. I will hand over my intel on the knights then.”

”Now hold it right there, boy. As I told you yesterday, I still need to contact the head of the household to—”

I cut him off by raising a hand. I took a deep breath and straightened myself, which I followed up with deepening my voice and adopting a British accent (which came quite naturally) just for the heck of it.

”Von Fraenir, I would prefer if you didn't take me for a fool. You have already contacted your patriarch and he allowed me to browse your library just this morning, a little after 6:00 AM, to be precise.” At this point I leaned a little closer and tried to plaster a very friendly smile on my face. ”Also, just to be clear, I do not like being called a ‘newt'.”

I was ready to leave it at this point and let the old man boil in his own confusion for a while, but I was stopped by a hand clasped around my upper arm as I tried to turn around. I glanced back and found Sebastian looking me in the eye with literally glowing pupils.

”Explain yourself.”

That was all he said, and against my better judgment, I tried to brush his hand off... which I magnificently failed to do so, so I just pretended I was only fixing the creases on my uniform around his hand and said:

”Who knows? Maybe I have all your phones bugged. Or I am listening to all telecommunications everywhere. Or it could be that I have informants everywhere. Or I am just reading your mind. Hell, I might even be an omniscient physical god pulling your leg for shits and giggles! The possibilities are endless!”

”That wasn't an answer.”

”No it wasn't, but we all have our secrets, don't we?” I told him with a strained grin.

A short yet subjectively very, very long stalemate followed, but at last the annoying butler let out something between a hiss and a sigh between his clenched teeth.

”Whatever method you used, stop it. I do not tolerate anyone compromising the security of my household,” he told me sternly before he leaned closer and added, ”Are we clear on that?”

”I'll think about it,” I told him noncommittally, earning me another glare. Maybe the princess picked up the habit from him?

”You better do,” he growled and then gestured for me to leave.

”What, not death threats this time?” I joked, but to my surprise, the old butler shook his head.

”They seem to be ineffective, so I won't even bother anymore.”

”Look at that! Someone's learning!” I exclaimed with an expression that was most certainly not a shit-eating grin.

”Indeed. Now I'm looking into ways to make your personal life with Lady Eleanor difficult.”

The not-shit-eating-grin immediately disappeared from my face and I flatly told him, ”Don't.”

”I will think about it,” he answered with a small smile that was somehow a hundred times scarier than all of his glowy-eyed glares, so I decided to change the topic post-haste.

”Speaking of death threats,” I began while poking at the hand still clasped around my upper arm, ”Do you have anything on the Faun?”

”Nothing substantial,” he told me while he squeezed a little harder, but I endured it without flinching.

”That's too bad,” I answered, then I finally forced a smile on my face and asked, ”Could you let me go already? I don't want to make the princess wait for me.”

We stared daggers at each other for a few seconds, then he finally relaxed his grasp so that I could slip out of it. I ignored the impulse the massage my stinging arm and gave the old man a small nod, which he returned without a glare this time, much to my surprise. I decided to stop dallying around and hurry after the girls. As I have noted before, I had long legs (or they were moving really slowly to make sure they wouldn't leave me behind, one or the other), so I managed to catch up with them fast, but not quickly enough it seemed.