Chapter 105 (1/2)
Chapter 105
(Harold’s POV)
”That sword, can you lend it to me?”
Cody had made that request despite being aware that the sword absorbed the user’s magic power and could cut down his lifespan. While Harold had his doubts about what the sword’s real powers were, he had not doubts that it was dangerous enough to be referred to as a demon or devil sword. He naturally couldn’t simply hand it over.
Although he used it as little as possible due to the risks, this weapon was still his lifeline in some situations. More importantly, lending this sword to Cody without knowing what he intended to do with it would be worrying in more ways than one.
Due to all of these reasons, harold had intended to refuse the request.
But that was before he heard there was a certain man who could potentially be saved by the sword.
Three days had passed since Vincent’s depart.
Harold was currently in the middle of a rural town. This was the town where the man that Cody had mentioned was residing.
Harold had previously claimed in that he was too busy and that there was something he had to do in haste, and yet here he was. The words he had spoken back then now seemed pretty half-hearted, but the reason he ended up coming here was that there was a chance he could reap some benefits. The path that passed from this town to his original destination was not much of a detour, and Frieri would take action by themselves the second he would contact them anyway.
So stopping by here to make use of an opportunity was not a loss.
(…To think I’m calling this an opportunity, I’ve sure come a long way.)
Harold felt disgusted from thinking of this matter that way when the life of a human being could be in play.
However, the last stage of the original story was gradually coming closer. In other words, the day of the original Harold’s death was approaching. If he had to be honest, the care he had for his surroundings was about to attain its limits.
No matter how much he tried to gloss over his thoughts, his own life was still important to him. So, though he felt bad about it, he wanted to be a bit selfish now.
【”…Especially now that I’ve come this far.”]
Harold unintentionally said so out loud, though under his breath.
For the last eight years, he had done many things just to survive. He had saved some people in the process, but Harold himself had no such noble goals in his mind.
He was an ordinary person in all aspects. While his body and abilities were out of norm, it was a mistake to assume that he was a hero. If he had that sort of ideology, he would not be able to move swiftly when presented with a conflict or a dilemma.
The ones who were going to save the world were Liner and his party, not anyone else. It was fine for Harold to cooperate from the shadows while giving priority to his own safety.
That was the perfect position for him.
【”You came far from what?”]
【”…I wasn’t talking to you. Instead of putting your nose where it doesn’t belong, tell me where is the man who was brainwashed by Justus.”]
Harold changed the subject while ignoring the question of Cody, who had heard his mutter thanks to his sharp hearing.
Or perhaps it was more correct to say that Harold got back to the main topic. But if he had to be more accurate, the fact that the man had been brainwashed was not a certainty, it had yet to be confirmed.
【”We’re almost there. It’s right by the corner.”]
The place Harold was guided to was a rented house, the kind that could be found anywhere.
The exterior drywall had been patched up multiple times, and the poorly maintained windows were almost opaque, which made the whole house seem shabby.
Cody knocked on the front door. There was no knocker, so he used his bare hands instead. The sound of his fist hitting the door repeatedly was strange. It sounded like it was coming straight out of a horror movie, though Harold felt like he was being rude for thinking that way.
【”….Who’s there?”]
The door opened along with the sound of a childish voice, followed by the appearance of a little girl of around ten years old.
For a child her age, her cheeks were a little bit thin and her limbs were too slender, to the point where they looked like wooden branches sticking out of her dress. From the looks of it, her health was in a concerning state.
【”Sarah, it’s been a while. Do you remember me?”]
【”Y-yes… You are mister Cody, right?”]
【”That’s right, I’m your papa’s friend. And the guy with the scary face over here is my friend.”]
Although Harold wanted to object to being introduced as “the guy with the scary face”, he couldn’t deny that his face did make him seem like he was in a bad mood, and according to the game’s settings, his current height was at 1m81 (6′). He definitely looked scary to the girl called Sarah.
Moreover, because of the difficulties he had with his mouth, Harold had to silently content himself with this introduction. The girl was already nervous, he did not want to make her even more afraid.
【”Is your mother here?”]
【”She’s at work now…”]
【”That so? Then, when do you think she’ll be back?”]
【”…..I don’t know. She always comes late at night.”]
For some reason, the exchange between Cody and Sarah made Harold recall his own childhood.
Both of his parents had a job, and since he was their only child, Kazuki used to be a so-called latchkey kid. Whenever he returned home after he was done playing with his friends or when his school day was over, he always ended up staying there by himself. There was a deserted atmosphere to his house, especially in winter.
However, there were hardly any days where his parents did not eventually come back home later in the day, and he was free to do whatever he wanted until they came back, so he did not feel particularly lonely.
Thinking about it now, the reason he could feel that way back then was that his parents had never failed to give him all their love. As he thought about this, a powerful feeling of wanting to see his parents’ faces arose in Harold’s heart.
(Will I be able to survive until the game’s ending and return to my world?)
For now, he had yet to figure out a way to go back.
【”Hey, Harold.”]
After his consciousness went to another place for a short while, Harold refocused his mind.
【”Come in.”]
It looked like Cody had gone inside the house while Harold had been lost in his thoughts.
As Sarah was still afraid of him, Harold wondered if this was really okay. From his perspective as a man from the modern days, he felt like this scene should have been reported to the authorities.
【”You want to get it done right away?”]
【”No, that’d be too much. We have to explain things to his wife first and get her permission.”]
Although Harold could agree with this reasoning, this also basically meant he and Cody would have to wait inside this house until Sarah’s mother returned.
(No matter the circumstances, aren’t we going to be a bother if we just stay here?)
This felt wrong to Harold, but for the time being, he was still lured in by Cody and ended up entering.
And as he expected, the inside of this house felt desolate.
【”Sister, who is this?”]
【”They’re papa’s friends, Mihai.”]
When they passed by the living room, a boy of around four or five years old appeared.
Mihai had the same brown eyes as his older sister Sarah, and just like her, he was far too skinny. From this and the state of the house, it was easy to infer that this family’s economic situation was very difficult.
When Harold thought about it, their father, Finnegan, had been the pillar of the family, but he had lost his mind and retired from the knight order. Since his symptoms had yet to subside, he was confined to his bed, and there was no way he could work. Thus, the only one left to take care of the two children and their bedridden father would be his wife.
(This is even worse than how Clara’s situation used to be….)
The mother worked until late at night, day after day, and judging from the two siblings’ conditions, all that work was still not enough to feed them properly. As things stood, even the mother probably couldn’t get a single decent meal.
Looking at poverty straight in the face was a bitter experience.
【”Their father… Finnegan, where is he?”]
To occupy his mind with something else, Harold decided to take a look at Finnegan to check on his current state.
Although he was speaking to Cody, the answer to his question came from another direction.
【”Papa’s room is this way.”]
Mihai approached up to Harold’s feet and then pulled the cuff of his coat. Perhaps this was because Mihai was naturally friendly, or maybe because he had dropped all his wariness after hearing that these people were his father’s friends. Either way, Harold did not expect this response when he asked where Finnegan was staying.
Sarah let a small “Ah” escape her mouth. She likely thought Mihai had done something rude. Well, his hand certainly couldn’t be said to be the cleanest. If he had done this to Harold’s father, Hayden, then at worst he would have been executed on the spot.