17 The Calm before the Storm (1/2)

Nicolas woke up feeling drained. The long trip tired him out and the sheer shock from the botanist's words was the stick that broke the camel's back resulting in his current unfortunate situation.

He quickly walked out of bed and looked around. The room's decoration was rather stark but the thick stone walls gave him a primal feeling of safety. My brother did really do a lot. It really is a shame that so many people needed to die for him to realize the error of his ways. Perhaps I too was at fault for the current situation. No, that is not true I was more than willing to help him out even if it is for my own selfish reasons. After those short thoughts he exited the room and looked around soon enough he found the way to the Great Hall.

When Galahad spotted him he said happily.

”Greetings brother I see that you have recovered rather quickly. You had me worried there for a second. But it is good that you are alright I was planning to host a small feast in your honor. Don't worry nothing too fancy just some game, white bread, and Ale.”

Nicolas nodded and responded.

”I see. Anyhow, can you arrange a meeting with that woman?”

Galahad nodded and said with a cheeky smile.

”Are you perhaps in love brother? That would explain your reaction when seeing that women you literally fell head over hills for her.”

Nicolas audibly scoffed and responded ironically.

”I was just shocked by her weird looks. But for you to insinuate that my brother perhaps your taste in women is broken. After all, you were kinda forced to marry your current wife maybe that is the source of some weird psychological trauma?”

Galahad continued to smile and said.

”I see that you are trying to deflect your weird fetishes on me brother.”

Nicolas sighed and responded seriously.

”It seems that you have become much wittier since your accident. Anyhow, I am curious about your opinion of my old assistants.”

Galahad dropped the smile and responded in kind.

”Yeah, I need to start using my brain now that I can't use my brawl. As for your old assistants, they look rather capable to say the very least. Karlos seems to be the most useful for the time being. But Theodore would also be in due time of great use.”

Nicolas nodded and said.

”Good to hear. If that is all I would like to have the meeting right now.”

Galahad nodded and said.

”I will establish this meeting after you answer a question of mine. Why did you decide to create your mage tower out here?”

Nicolas sighed and said.

”Several reasons, Number one it is much cheaper to create a mage tower out here, Number two I want to help my families fief develop and number three I find something romantic with taming the frontier. Bringing the light of civilization upon those savage lands. Our world is huge We humans barely control any significant territories in this continent. The north is controlled by orcs, goblins and other beasts. The west ocean is vast and we haven't managed to even reach the other side yet. But the few expeditions out there found several small islands. As for southwards, the southernmost human kingdom is Erimia. Below them lay a vast desert. Most of which is controlled by the Soands. I am sure you are well aware of the other famous races such as the Elves and Dwarfs. While the Dwarfs are the same as in many stories you know living in mountains and gathering wealth. Elves are different... They where humans twisted by magic there bodies now half ethereal. Hard to kill and even harder to reason with. They don't live in forests like it is commonly believed this is the home of other much friendlier beings. Instead, they live in places blasted with magical pollution. The goal of most of them is to convert all humans to elves.”To show them the true nature of things as they say.””

Galahad was shocked for a second before asking two questions.

” First and foremost. What are elfkin then and secondly what are the Soands.”

Nicolas smiled and quickly answered.

”Elfkin most of the time are people kidnapped by fairies or dryads or rarely the result of breading between a human and a fairy or dryad. As for Soands the best way to describe them is sand elementals. All elementals have as a goal to expand their habitat. But Soands are different they found out that they can twist captured humans through the use of the sands creating a kind of hybrid. Those hybrids are similar to someone ill but actively trying to spread their disease they are human-like in appearance but with an extremely fragile body, with a single good hit able to collapse them into a pile of sand they will then attempt to reform. The only way to kill them is to destroy their two gem-like eyes. Anyhow where their left or right thumb is supposed to be they have a needle-like protrusion. This is used to stab an unsuspecting victim. The victim then will fall ill. After death claims about a day after their, body will be twisted and recreated using the earthen material nearby creating variants such as dirt, mud, bone, flesh, and stone Vouls. Entire cities have been destroyed by those creatures. Thankfully, the different variants hate each other and they can't speak. In the bright side if the illness is found quickly enough it is reversible rather easily. The person will need to be purged from the corrupting essence inside their body even a tier two elementalist will be able to help out if the disease is caught early enough.”

Galahad nodded and said.

”Well, this is terrifying. Anyways, I always thought that the undead where a myth. It seems like there is more to it than that.”

Nicolas raised his eyebrow and responded.

”Those are not undead those are half elementals. Undead are such thinks as the sleepless, wraiths,and corpsemen.”

Galahad sighed and responded.

”And here I was hoping that those where just the creatures of legend. Well, to be fair corpsemen are not really a threat.”

Nicolas and nodded and said

”You are right only in extremely high numbers they will be even mildly terrifying. Anyhow, if your curiosity is saturated I would require for you to set up the meeting now.”

Galahad nodded and said.


About half an hour later a clean and well-dressed alchemist entered the throne room. Galahad quickly took his leave and let them discuss their private matters in peace. An hour after Nicolas finished his meeting. Galahad organized a minor feast. The feast was the last significant event for the rest of the month with only a couple of minor incidents breaking the peace. The road construction hadn't started yet as it was currently the harvest season and after that planting season and As such all of the laborers where busy tending to the fields. Nicolas had already moved northwards and together with a small army of laborers and had started construction on his magic tower. Thanks to the war and the fact that it wasn't widely known yet that Nicolas was building his mage tower out here. No nobles or rich merchants had arrived yet in Highkeep with the goal to curry favor or threaten him into allowing them to meet his brother. But the rest of the realm wasn't fearing that well. News from the few travelers coming to these parts where rather disheartening, to say the least.The Boreans were losing and losing badly first the independent faction decided to join the Frankish side and then the Karellinians reached a settlement with the franks gaining ten border baronies. The news about other settlements across the frontier where also rather dire about seven hamlets had been destroyed thus far. Additionally, Three had been taken over by bandits and a dozen were raided. The roads were now much more dangerous than they had ever been while the realm was at peace, the sheer amount of bandits bands and dangerous beasts was simply mind-boggling.

As Galahad was having his lunch Karlos entered the Throne Room and bowed deeply. After Galahad swallowed his last bite he motioned Karlos to speak.

Karlos nodded and said Seriously.

”Sire, Magos Erfiadis has arrived outside and he seeks an audience with your lordship.”

Galahad nodded and responded quickly.

”Alright, I will finish my meal later. Please call over a servant to take away the plates.”

Karlos nodded and quickly left the chamber after about five minutes everything was in order. As Erfiadis entered into the chamber.

Karlos said with Gravitas.

”Greetings dignified Magos Erfiaids. You are in the presence of Sir Galahad Von Highkeep Knight Protector of the eastern fringe and Marshal of Gragon.”

Galahad waited for Karlos to complete his introduction and then asked curiously.

”So Magos Erfiadis what brings you to my humble abode?”

Erfiadis gave a quick bow before smiling and responding in turn.

”Humble is a bit of an understatement your lordship. I have seen plenty of Barons with less impressive seats of power. You should almost qualify to request your rank to be upgraded to a Baronet and gain your own vassal. But I didn't come over to congratulate you on your achievements or bestow any rewards from the crown. But arguably the news I bring will be equally worthwhile to you.”

Galahad raised an eyebrow and asked.

”Is it about the trading post?”

Erfiadis nodded and responded.