Chapter 127 - Little prank (1/2)

The dark, intimidating aura became present in the classroom as Taehee walked towards her seat. Taehee's eyes stared at the ground, and everyone's nerve were on the edge.

The heavy tension made everyone frightened to the extent that they tried to produce as less sound as possible.

All of their eyes were on Taehee, and a grim expression sat on Taehee's face. As Taehee suddenly slammed down her bag on the chair, everyone jumped back and gulped.

Facing backwards, Taehee shot a glance at everyone else. Everyone shifted their eyes from Taehee and stared at the ground instead.

That's when the door to the classroom opened, and Im Jieun stepped into the classroom. Her legs started to shake as her eyes fell upon Taehee.

The current expression on Taehee's face did not look friendly, but Jieun was confused on why Taehee did not take any actions against her. Nonetheless, she was relieved as well.

Sitting down on her place, Taehee crossed her legs, and raising her head, Taehee's eyes stared at Jieun.

The hair on Jieun's body stood up as she grew aware of Taehee's stare, and nervously, she looked at Taehee.

Taehee's eyes did not shift away from her, and Jieun froze in her steps. Scared, Jieun did not dare go towards her place and stayed rooted to her position.

About five minutes passed, but Taehee's eyes did not leave Jieun. By now, Jieun knees were about to give in, and she held on the the table beside her for support.

Never did Jieun think that she would be this intimidated by merely someone's gaze.

Taehee's action of imprinting fright into Jieun by staring at her did not go unnoticed by others, and they considered themselves lucky for not being on the other side of that gaze.

"Aren't you going to your place?" A male student asked, whose table was being held by Jieun.

"Y-Yes," Jieun stuttered out.

As she was about to walk to her seat, Taehee's gaze grew intense, and Jieun's blood grew colder. Her knees finally gave out, and she fell down on the ground with her face touching it.

The entire class burst out into laughing, and the humiliation she felt caused Jieun's cheeks to be coloured red.

A victorious smirk formed on Taehee's face, and she turned away from Jieun's face, which Taehee considered to be disgusting.

Taehee practiced this trick for a long period of time yesterday, and the result of it today satisfied Taehee somewhat.

Although Jinhee said Taehee to not do anything, Jinhee would not notice if Taehee messed around a little.


The door to Jinhee's room opened, and raising her head up, Jinhee noticed that it was Min Hyunbin. Jinhee's mouth curved up into a smile when she noticed him walking towards her.