Chapter 245 - Nonsensical (1/2)

Using her utmost strength, she stomped on Han Taehyun's foot as she found his statement absolutely ridiculous. Surely, she was somewhat possessive over him, but that was different from feeling jealous.

”That's nonsensical, and let me get up now. Unlike you, I have study to do. Now, let go of me,” Jinhee voiced out whilst struggling against Han Taehyun's grip on her waist.

Han Taehyun placed his face on Jinhee's neck, causing chill to go down her back, and she found herself unable to move.

”I am kidding, Jinhee. You are the first person I loved, and there was no one before you for me,” Taehyun confessed.

Although Jinhee's lips wanted to spread widely at Han Taehyun's words, she bit her lips and said, ”A-Ah! That's cool! Now, let's study, Han Taehyun!”

”Yes, yes, let's study now.”


Although Lee Jinhee had slept beside Han Taehyun regularly in the Lee Mansion, the fluttering feeling within her stomach was not letting her sleep.

Being near Han Taehyun made her nervous, and as she had her eyes closed, she could clearly feel Han Taehyun's presence beside her. His warm breath hit her face, and sweat began to form on her hand.

'Go to sleep, Lee Jinhee; Go to sleep, Jinhee! You have school and important exams tomorrow! Fall asleep!'

Lee Jinhee opened her eyes slightly, and she noticed Taehyun's lips. As she stared at them, all the memories from earlier rushed into her mind, and seeing that he had fallen asleep, she extended her hand to touch them.

Han Taehyun's lips felt soft to her touch, and she had the urge to kiss them. Whilst making sure that Taehyun wasn't opening his eyes, Jinhee leaned closer to Taehyun and softly planted her lips on top of his.

Realizing what she had just done, Jinhee's eyes widened, and she immediately moved away from Han Taehyun. Turning her back on Han Taehyun, she stared at the other direction while her cheeks were completely heated.

Luckily enough, Han Taehyun was not awake. If he was, then Jinhee wouldn't be able to face him for days due to the embarrassment she felt currently. Diving into the covers, she prayed that sleep could come to her, and she would be gifted with a pleasant dream.


Yawning, Jinhee had sat up on her bed. After moving around her bed for hours yesterday, she finally managed to fall asleep, and glancing at the clock, she noticed that she had slept for less than a hour.

Looking at Jinhee's state, a chuckle left Han Taehyun's mouth as he commented, ”You look worse than you did yesterday, Jinhee-ah. After getting dressed and eating breakfast, you can rest for a while if there is time.”

Lee Jinhee nodded whilst her eyes glared upon Han Taehyun. Han Taehyun was the one who was more in love, but it seemed that he had slept really peacefully beside her.

To Jinhee, this seemed too suspicious.