Chapter 1 - I was just kidding (1/2)

”Okay so what you're saying is that I'm dead” I said with a look of disappointment on my face

”Yeah you pretty much died, when that new comer of a god named Truck-kun ran you over” God/Author said with a carefree tone that I found very annoying.

”[email protected]@@@cccckkk, wait hold on then why did you choose me of all people” I asked

”Well believe it or not you are the only person, who has the same ideals about the thoughts of other gods and their cliché ideas of their own universe.” God said as he had look of interest in his eyes.

”Wait, wait back it up for a second there are other gods besides you” as I said with a look of shock on my face.

”Yes there are other gods besides me for example tuck-kun who just killed you recently” he said with a teasing tone in his voice.

”Alright you don't need to remind me about that sh!t of a god” I said with an angry tone. I then continued by asking him another question, ”Okay so what kind of god are you” I said with a curious look on my face.

”Oh I am also a new god that just started working, you know the usual creating universes and all that” he said with a bored look on his face.

”Okay that's good and all but that's not what I asked though, I asked you what kind of god you are” I asked

Looking at me with a flushed face he then answered with a tone full of pride, ”Well to make it simple I AM YOUR CREATOR OF THE SKY AND EARTH, I AM YOUR GOD. Otherwise known as the author of your universe.'' He said with straight and serious face.

”Wait if you're an author then does that mean that this is a novel or a fanfic” I asked

”Yes it is” he said

”Then aren't we breaking the fourth wall by just talking right now like this” I asked while looking around.