Chapter 22 - Saving Ace part 2 (1/2)

I then saw Captain smoker dispersing into smoke and making his way towards me, I then sent a punch towards him which did not seem to work. He then materialized his fist and punched me in my face, however that did not seem to work as he was not strong enough to hurt me. I then jumped backwards and sent another punch, except this time I used 50% of my strength which sent a force of wind blowing him away in his scattered form.

Oscar: Hmm, since I can't hurt him what if I used his weakness against him

I then looked towards the frozen seawater and punched into it, I then made four more holes and took the cracked ice away. After doing that I saw a vast amount of seawater, I then scooped up just enough and sent it towards Smoker. After splashing him with seawater I saw that his dissipating form was finally solidifying into his physical form. I took that chance and sent 10 punches towards him using 20% which luckily worked and managed to knock him unconscious.

Oscar: Whhoo, alright it seems that this method is the same as when luffy used water to beat crocodile with, except this one could probably work against all devil fruit users.

I then saw his baton which if I remembered correctly was made out of sea prism stones, hmm at least I can now have an extra weapon.


Kizaru: Wooow, interesting way of using a devil fruit users weakness against him

Akainu: Hmm, that one is very dangerous

Sengoku: Kizaru

Kizaru: Hmm

Sengoku: Deal with him

Kizaru: Areh, Areh, alright if you will excuse me then

Kizaru then disappeared into flash of light appearing next to Oscar who had his back facing the other way.

Kizaru: Hello

Oscar: Huh?

Oscar turned to face the ȧssailant behind him only to see one of the most powerful one-piece character there is, Admiral Kizaru. Oscar was pissed since he did not get a vice admiral to fight first but he got a damn Admiral and not just any admiral, but it is the most troublesome one.

Oscar: To what do I owe this honourable visit, Kizaru

Kizaru: Oh, so you know me, but I don't know you, would you mind introducing yourself if you would.

Oscar: Sure, if you can make me

Kizaru: Sure

Kizaru then tried to kick Oscar with a flashing speed of light, it would have worked but thanks to the sea prism stone batons which Oscar got, it managed to stop his attack in time.

Kizaru: Areh, Areh, this is either going to be troublesome or fun

The two continued to engage in close range combat, while Oscar was using 30% of his speed to keep up, he started noticing the improvement he was making. Since his techniques were now smoother and faster as he was bȧrėly blocking every single one of Kizaru's light attacks.

Kizaru: Ooh you sure a talent, tell me don't you want to join the navy, I bet at some point you could probably become an admiral one day, what do you say.

Oscar: Sorry but I'm not staying for long

Kizaru: ~Sigh~, well I guess I better get serious then

Kizaru then began using 10% of his full speed which Oscar noticed as his movements were becoming faster, so Oscar also decided to use 40% of his full speed as well.

Oscar: Yeah but I'm also trying to save some of my strength for later

Kizaru felt insulted when Oscar said that he was holding back, as he always looked down on others but now this pissed him off.

Kizaru: Kid I'm going to give you a chance

Oscar: Huh?

Kizaru: If you can survive 50% of my full power I will let you go

Oscar: Hmph, either you are being merciful or just arrogant