Chapter 49 - Waging War (1/2)

General Pov...

As Oscar smiled at the old beggar all he saw were tears pouring from the old beggar's eyes as he slowly kowtowed in front of Oscar's feet, this put Oscar on the spot as he tried to help the old beggar stand.

However, the old beggar refused Oscar's help and said something that took Oscar by surprise, since he had never heard it being said by someone whom he had just met.

”Young master Ao si ca I require your ȧssistance.” the old beggar said as he held onto Oscar's right leg and cried into it.

”Young Master your-” However before the old beggar could finish what he was about to say, Oscar covered the old beggar's mouth with his left hand and used his right index finger to place it on his lips.

Oscar, of course, did not want the chefs or anyone else to know what the old beggar was about to say so he gestured for everyone inside the restaurant to make their way out of the restaurant.

As soon as the last chef left and closed the door Oscar gestured for the old beggar to continue but as he did, he once again heard words that he was familiar with but had not heard it being said in a long time.

”Your parents young master, they are in trouble.” Oscar's face scrunched up as he stood and began releasing an enormous amount of killing intent throughout his body.

The old beggar, of course, suffocated under the pressure that Oscar released and honestly could not believe that this amount of killing intent could be released by anyone especially a young man such as Oscar.

However, as Oscar realized the amount of killing intent being released he saw that the old beggar was having a hard time breathing under it.

Feeling pity for the old beggar, Oscar condensed his killing intent and contained it within himself, however, this did not help the old beggar relax, as he felt more agitated by seeing a thick red aura of killing intent covering Oscar's entire body.

Meanwhile, at the food court as Tang san, Ma hongjun and the others were looking around for Oscar as they were wondering about where he had gone, Ma hongjun, of course, had an idea but before he could tell the others where Oscar might've gone there was a commotion in a nearby stall.

”Hey, you need to pay for that!!!” the stall owner shouted while he pointed at a cultured man with a pale face with two black tattoo lines extending at both his eyes, as well as very rare clothing that most are not accustomed to.

The man responded saying, ”Why should I? You should be honored that I am dining in this establishment much less tasting this poor excuse for what you call a dish.”

The man then laughed and said, ”I must say this sorry excuse of an academy will only last as long as I say it does .”

Ma Hongjun who was closer to the man became angry and grabbed the man by his collar and shouted, ”What the F#ck did you just say?”

As Ma Hongjun used more strength to grip the man's collar, he also made sure that the man could not release himself from it.

The man was not surprised by Ma Hongjun's behavior, rather he was more impressed by the young man's strength.

The man then gripped Ma Hongjun's hand and said, ”Impressive young man, I must say-” he then managed to twist Ma Hongjuns hand off his collar by using his left arm and finished his sentence by saying, ”You have made a terrible mistake.”

The man then pulled his right arm backward and was about to launch a punch that even Ma Honjun knew at that moment would not survive.

The man then released his punch and was about to land it on Ma Hongjuns face nearly killing him, however, Tang San and Dai Mubai who were watching went in to block it along with Zhuqing and Xiao wu who supported their backs.

Along with Ning Rong Rong who used her support spirit to boost their defense, however as the punch landed onto Tang San and Dai Mubai's palm, the group was pushed back from the force of the man's punch.

As Tang San and the others were pushed back and crashing into other stalls, each of them coughed blood as they sustained internal damage from the man's punch.

The man then stood up and said, ”Oh well, there goes another batch of talented brats.”, while walking away from the stand.

However, he stopped as he heard movement coming from the broken stalls, as the group of kids whom he had just blown away was now standing and gathering an unnatural amount of spirit essence which they then absorbed into themselves.

Suddenly a blast of wind and dust spread around the entire food court as the enormous aura which Tang San and the others released covered it by a 50-meter radius.

Then each of the group members battles spirits surfaced from behind them along with 5 spirit rings around them which exploded with an immense amount of spirit essence that took the man facing them by surprise.

Tang San released a blueish spirit essence that covered his entire body along with a scarlet spirit essence coming from his right arm, whereas Xiao wu who standing next to him had released a pinkish spirit essence that covered her entire body but was somehow the spirit essence was denser at her feet.

However, as Xiao wu stood up straight she started puking blood, luckily Tang san who was next to her caught her and gave her a pill to help her with her internal injury.

Whereas Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai had already taken something that would heal their internal injuries, but at the same time both of them were already fusing their spirit essence into an attack.

Whereas Ma Hongjun had helped Ning Rong Rong out by pulling her out of the broken stalls and asked her, ”Are you okay?”

Ning Rong Rong was disorientated but soon realized that her cloak was no longer hiding her face and quickly tried to hide it.

However, Ma Hongjun stopped her and said, ”It's alright there is no need for that Ning Rong Rong.”

Ning Rong Rong was surprised that Ma Hongjun knew her identity and asked him, ”How--”, however before she could ask, Ma Hongjun interrupted her by saying, ”Not now I need you to support the others and help us try and beat this guy.”

Ning Rong Rong was curious but she also knew that the others needed her so she used her support spirit to boost the other's stats in hopes of healing them faster.

Ma Hongjun who was standing behind her was impressed by her sudden change of behavior which adapted to their current situation.

Ma Hongjun then thought, ”I guess that's why Xiao O is infatuated with you, hmm let's see what you can do sister-in-law.”

As the others were preparing themselves Ma Hongjun announced for any stalls that were within 100 meters from them needed to run, as he did not want any collateral damage.

The man who was the reason for the group's anger started clapping his hands and laughing, he then stopped clapping and said, ”Hahaha, I never expected to meet children with such talents, I must say you are an amazing bunch.”

Ma Hongjun was pissed and asked, ”Who the hell are you supposed to be bastard?”

The man replied to Ma Hongjun's question by performing something which could never be done by an expert, except this was something that only those who have reached the peak of cultivation could do, and that was defeating a 100,000-year-old spirit beast and using its power for their purposes.

The man revealed not only revealed 8 spirit rings of different colors but also one red spirit ring that enhanced his outlook and made him more intimidating.

The entire group was shocked except for Ma Hongjun, the man then took a bow and introduced himself, ”I am Jiang Long from spirit hall.”