45 09 Huuta is in the way of Colona! (1/2)

--next morning. Futa's private office.

”Excuse me. I see you didn't come back last night. ...... I've brought you breakfast.

There was no answer to his knock.

With a puzzled tilt of her head, the attendant girl slowly opened the door.

If you are resting, close the door gently and leave.

If you are still in the room, leave quietly.

However, there is a separate manual for when something happens to the guest or when the guest is not present.

However, there was no one in the room.

”...... again?

”The chambermaids don't often interact with the guests in this room.

After all, there was a fixed maid in the room. And that was on the direct order of Her Highness.

The absence of the maid has interfered with the various schedules of the royal castle.

To top it all off, as soon as the guests found out about her absence yesterday, they also ran away, and the castle is now in a minor commotion.

I don't hear of any meals being taken. ...... Oh.

The maidservant girl suddenly realized.

There's a music box that's been playing.

Bright, joyful music. It's so out of place in this situation.

She gently approached the side table with the music box on it and slowly tightened the lid.

Just like that, the music stopped.

The music stopped. ”It's damaged if it keeps playing. I can't find it at a glance, but I wonder if I should rewind the ...... spring.

I thought about it and shook my head. It's a music box in a shape I've never seen before, and I'm afraid I'll break it if I mess with it.

So this is it.

So I cleaned up the room and she put the cold breakfast on the wagon and headed back.

Then I suddenly realized.

The music box he left playing yesterday when he left in a hurry.

The fact that it was still playing meant that he hadn't returned to his room since then.

The sun had just risen. Futa was in a back alley of the capital.

He had been searching for the girl from dusk to midnight and into the morning, but he showed no signs of fatigue, running from one place to the next.

There is no shame in this.

There is no shame in it.

He's a man who doesn't care about any of that.

He simply bowed his head to everyone and continued his desperate inquiries.

”Oh? I don't know.

”Oh, yeah? ......

A slum in a back alley.

A slum in a back alley, where I met Lilac when I first came to this city.

It was difficult to get to know the people who slept and slept on the cold cobblestones.

We'd never leave a girl like that behind!

You betcha!

They laughed and laughed.

If you don't know her, then you don't have a choice, and that's when Futa turned away.

”Hey. Are you sure you don't know?

I'm sure you've heard of it.


I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I've seen it before.

I'll give you 10,000 gourdes if you give me some detailed information. Well, if you don't know, I have no use for you.

The name of the weapon is the spear: Hourai.

The cross spear, which can slit a man's throat in a single breath, reflects off the face of a frightened man.


”Yes. I knew you'd be here, Futa.

What are you doing? He doesn't know what he's doing.

Hmm, well, I don't need it.

A death sentence whispered in my ear.

The man shook his head as if in a froth.

”Well, if you want to talk about details! There is!

It was Futa's turn to open his eyes.

I knew it,” Prim muttered, letting go of the spear and spinning it dexterously around on her back.

Then she stood side by side with Futa.

”So let's hear what you know, shall we?

”I didn't see him! But there were people looking for her yesterday morning, just like you!

Yeah. What guys?

They were in disguise, but their faces were familiar! They're the ones who hang around King's Landing! You know, from one of the merchant associations!

Hmm. Well, I guess that's enough to narrow it down.

Well, well, well. ......

Here,” Prim said, scattering a thousand-garde bill.

The men immediately fought over it, but he pulled Huta away.

I thought you said you didn't know anything about .......

”Information is candy and a blade, Mr. Futa. It's basic.

Oh, yeah. ...... Oh, yeah. ......