190 Episode 184 Mano ... Wat ... (1/2)

We managed to avoid an all-out war with the elves.

We're going to have to shelve the whole thing for the future, along with the territorial issue, which we can't do anything about.

The biggest question that remains is what to do with this sleeping girl--

It's funny, before I know it, I'm going around in circles and back to the starting line again....


Oh, he's up.

Hazuki, who had been staring into the girl's face, let out a puff.

When I followed her, I saw Sleeping Beauty open her eyes and look up at Hazuki's face in a daze.

''--You're awake!

We all gather at the bedside and peer in with Hajduki.

'Unu, good morning,'

Good morning, hello--

He speaks!

A little girl speaks!

....Oh thank God, I was afraid it would never happen.

Above all, this sense of relief that the words have been properly understood from the beginning.

She's not SS grade or anything, she's just a normal girl.......!

Good, really good...

This time they wouldn't have to struggle and fight.

What happens twice, but not three times...!

This is...

The girl raised her upper body with an anxious expression and looked around to her right and left.

''I heard he collapsed in the forest. That's why the Shin'en-ryu and Hajduki - this girl found it and brought it here.

Relieved, I remain calm and try to make conversation on behalf of the others.

”In the woods, you fell down--

Yeah. So, you--what's your name, come to think of it? Did you run away from your mother and father?

I tried to get the information I needed to identify him casually, but what I got was...

The name...? Mother...? Your father...? I don't know.......who am I.......?


It was a completely unexpected answer - and a completely unexpected answer.

'Why am I in the forest...? What's your name? Who am I...? No, I can't remember--

The little girl, who tried desperately to remember, but couldn't, held her head down and frowned.