8 Deep end 3 (1/2)

Zhou Yunxiang dark eyes widened in shock, a few of the staff that was in the background while this took place, rushed over to where the young miss was, they had on their faces a look that showed how conflicted they felt about what was taking place.

”Please Young miss, try and calm down!”

They all pleaded, hoping she would snap out of it before the situation escalated beyond what it was at the moment.

”Where is Yang Lin?!”

Butler Hu asked to no one in particular, he was not just the Zhang heiress driver, but also functioned in the capacity as a personal aide whenever the need arose.

One of the younger maids rushed out to look for the supposed driver, leaving the rest behind to deal with the terrifying situation.

Meanwhile, Yang Lin was on the far end of the Zhang villa tending to the Zhang heiress favorite spot, which was a small sparkling clear pond filled with silver scaled Angelfish. Almost out of breath from all the running around, the maid was finally able to find him.

”Please hurry! Something has happened to the young miss!”

Abandoning what he was doing, Yang Lin rushed to where the Zhang heiress was, in his heart, he kept praying that all would be well. Try as she may, the maid could not catch up to the fleeing figure of the man, she had to give up trying to match his pace, choosing to slow down to just a walk.

The rest of the people gathered in the living room heard a crash, at first they thought something had happened only to find out it was just Yang Lin walking in.

He saw some of the butlers and maids gather very close to the Zhang heiress, the way they positioned themselves was such that they stood in the middle of her and the lawyer from Zhang Cooperation.