Chapter 28: Adventuring 101 (1/2)
Mike located the Rank 3 section of the counter, saw that both windows had roughly similar lines, and picked one at random to stand in. He was contemplating what to ask about, when a massive hand, the size of a dinner plate landed on his shoulder.
”I think you are lost, boy. This line is for Iron Ranked adventurers. Newbies like you belong in the beginner lines down there.” A deep, rumbling voice growled from behind him.
Mike looked down at the large, hairy hand and followed it up the attached arm into the face of a brutish looking man, seemingly built on a larger than normal scale. He stood roughly 2.5m tall and was built like a brick wall. Solid slabs of muscle could be seen bulging out of his simple linen shirt. Two other men of similar size and features were standing behind him. Judging from the similarity, Mike figured they must be related. If this trio were to show up in Mike's old world, they could easily be mistaken for professional American Football players.
”So you best be heading that way.”
For a brief moment, he considered his options. If he hadn't fought a monstrous bat monster just a few days ago, he'd probably would have been intimidated by the display. As it was now, he was just a bit annoyed. [I know this is the standard plot line when the main character enters an Adventurer's Guild, but I'd like to not stand out so much.] While he was deliberating, he saw the friendly guard, Talin, moving over quickly and decided that he would rather solve this issue peacefully.
”Not to worry, fellow guild members. I'm actually Rank 3 as well.” He said while prompting his guild mark to display his profile.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name: Michael Rasmussen
Class: (Hidden)
Guild Rank: Rank 3 (Iron)
Title: None
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
The giant of a man stared at the projected screen for a moment, before growling again and letting go of Mike's shoulder. Mike was glad Morris finally showed him the way to hide his class.
”My bad, thought you were a jumped-up newbie who didn't know any better.” The man broke into a vicious grin. ”You got to watch out for them or they'll do something stupid and get themselves killed.”
”Anyway, the name's Berg, these are my brothers Garm and Telg.” The other two nodded their greetings.
”You can call me Mike.” He figured that they seemed to appreciate single syllable names.
Berg grinned again, ”Well Mike, we'll be seeing ya around.” The trio left through the front door, passing by a relieved looking Talin.
[I feel like I'm in the wrong genre of story somehow. None of the cliché plots I've encountered so far pan out the way they are supposed to.] Mike thought to himself while standing in line. After a short wait, Mike found himself standing in front of a pretty brunette receptionist who smiled cheerfully at him.
”Welcome to the Wyrport Adventurer's Guild. How can I help you?”
”Ah, yes the door guard actually recommended that I come over here and check in. It's my first time at this guild branch.”
Mike noticed a slight blush creep onto the woman's face as his enhanced charisma went to work.
”Well, are you familiar with basic guild procedures?”
”To some extent, I completed a request in the past, but it was at a small branch office.”
”Fundamentally it should be similar. At this branch all requests of Rank 8 and below are posted on these boards. Adventurers and parties interested in a particular request register their acceptance of it here. Once complete, they check back in to receive their reward and update their guild ranking if necessary.”