18 First Date (1/2)

We walk into the locker room passing by the other women, some of them staring at with lust-filled eyes. Did we just initiate a quasi-orgy?

I dry myself off and pull my clothes out of the locker and get dressed. I realize that I need other things to wear, I can't keep wearing the same stuff. The armor is fine as it goes over the top.

”Do you want to see if there are any clothing stores open?” I said, turning towards Emiko and Lenora.

”Clothes shopping sounds fun. Then later, we can get some food.” Emiko seemed excited about shopping for clothes.

”Sounds good to me too.”

Getting both of their approvals, we head outside. The sun was setting, but it wasn't twilight just yet. We spend some time walking around town looking at the shops until we found a promising clothing store.

We walked inside, setting off a bell.

”Hello! Welcome to my store. How can I help you?”

A young woman appeared from the back. She looked cute in her simple dress with her brown hair tied up.

”We are just looking around for right now.” I say to the woman.

”Ok, if you need any help, let me know.”

I walk over to a shelf and start to dig around some of the items. Emiko walks over to me and looks through some of the clothes with me.

”Since you are going for that ranger build right now, might I help you pick some clothing?”

”I suppose that is fine. This is my first game, so I don't know what I am doing.”

”Oh! Really? You never played anything before? That's ok, I got you.” Emiko gave me a surprised look as she responded.

”These leather pants and fitted cloth shirt here would be good, they give you plus 2 to your DEX. Also, these hunter boots increase your [Sneak] by 10%.”

The pants were form-fitting dark green leather. The shirt was a dark grey, thick stretchy shirt with half sleeves. The boots were dark brown and came up mid-calf and had just a slight heel. I think I know why Emiko picked this out for me.

”These look good, I will get them.”

”Now that we got you some combat clothes let's get you something cute to wear around town.”

I spend some time with the girls roaming around the shop, each finding something to wear. Emiko found the underwear section, and I decided to get a few. We all pick out clothes for each other and pay for everything.

We head back to the inn and change into our new clothes. Lenora insisted on me wearing the white sundress and sandals she picked out for me. Once I am dressed, I head downstairs to meet up with them.

”Hey cutie. You ready for our date?” Emiko says, giving me a sly smile.

”Yeah, but I just feel weird dating two people at once. I feel like it is cheating.”

I really did feel like this. It brought too many memories of what Kaito did to me, and I didn't want to do the same to these girls.

”Gwyn! Stop. You are not cheating. You understand? Both Emiko and I talked about this, and we agreed. We don't mind sharing you, but we don't want you doing it behind our backs.” Lenora

looked a little scary as she scolded me.