6 Doing things without hurting anyone... (1/2)

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Nohara Residence...

Currently, Neo is floating in the air inside of his room on his bed. With the help of the Universe and his powers, Neo has isolated his room from all the supernatural existence so that while using his power they can not feel his powers. Though he didn't have any fear of them still if he has to fight with them then where would his pride of being the highest being go to. After all, he wants to overpower them only by releasing his Aura. He doesn't have any intention of fighting them. That is also one of the reasons for him to use his time to train his powers to gain better control over his power. The more he understands about his power, the more control he gains over his powers the bigger his domain will get. Within his Divine Domain, he is able to use all his powers unrestrained.

”So you're telling me that I need to stop one aspect of my domain and use another. That will expand my domain in that mean I should only use one part of the 3 domain power. Ok, then I will try it then. ” As Neo said he turned off his omnipotence and omniscience power of his domain, which left him only with omnipresent part of the domain.

Upon activating only omnipresence part of his ”Divine Domain”. His divine domain started to expand from 5 feet it expanded 50 feet then 50 meters after that it finally stopped at the 500-meter around him. Inside of this 500 meters radius area, he is able to see everything and hear every sound. No matter how small the thing or how low frequency the sound is nothing escapee his sight or ear. The more amazing thing is he can feel everything and if wants he is even able to touch or hold anything inside of his domain. If he wishes to appear any place inside of the Domain he will be there instantly with his physical body, there are more like this.

There are some downsides though after turning off the omnipotence part of the domain he is not able to use all his powers restraint like he was able to inside of his 5 feet radius. In this 500 meters domain, he is still able to make his energy appear from any locations he wants but the straight of the ability is 1/50 the from before. Within the present domain, he is able to use his energy with a limited amount, there is also a problem he is unable to use an unlimited amount of power to attack and defense. His energy input has a limit now.

The worst thing right now is that he is unable to see-through everything like before.ike he can't just tell what will happen next and every possible outcome of any event etc.

”There is some problem here, though the domain did increase a lot. ” Neo complained after understanding the problem.

”Yes, but you will be able to overcome them, with time, now try other parts of the domain ability. ”

”All right let's see what happens next. ” This time he turned off the omnipresent trait and active only omnipotence trait of his domain. Instantly he felt something change and started to feel the domain completely vanishing and he got surprised by it but suddenly he realized something as he asked ”Will it destroy the whole city. ”

”Yes it will but with the level of power, I don't think it will just destroy the city. If you observe you will feel what I meant. ” The voice of tge Universe corrected him.

”You are right I think it's enough to fight against one vs one with anyone but without getting pushed back of having the possibility of someone overpowering me. Now for the final test. ” Neo said as he again changed.

This time also there wasn't any domain but a major change occurred which is he could predict the future no matter how far away or how far future it is. So he said ”Hey it's not working. ”

”Try looking through the window. ” the Voice of the Universe gave advice.

After getting the advice he went near the window and opened it to test the limit of his ability. When he opened the window he saw a man is walking a car is going with more than 120 k. M / H and a bird flying. Then he saw what are the possible outcomes and most of it ended with a lot of deaths without his involvement.

Everything starts with the small bird taking a dump on the man's banana who is walking on the other side of the road.

It will happen like this.