8 Did you saw it happening yourself??? (1/2)

Ddraig pov continues-

The strange thing that is standing in front of is spreading out a mysterious Aura, This Aura where did I felt it before? I can't remember but one thing for certain this thing is really powerful and I am afraid of it, I am really, really am afraid of it but still, why am I afraid of it, more importantly, How did it get in my space? it's in my personal space and my pride is not so low that I will show my fear in front of some unknown thing in my own space. I need to show it who is the real boss here. So I try to sound as mighty as possible as I can, then I looked at the thing right in front of me which looks kind of like me but different anyway then I said with while putting my full rage in my tone” Hey who are you? How did you get inside this space? ” shit that wasn't scary at all. I showed my fear in my tone.

”What you are scared of me now Ddraig? Here I thought you wanted to talk to someone? ” The strange thing said with a cheerful tone like he is having a lot of fun. Also, what do you mean by I am scared or not, of course, I am scared. Who wouldn't be scared of such a big Aura? Damn, I hate this thing. Just who does it think it is.

”Don't be like that I know I am strong and all but I am not going to do anything to you. ” He spoke up again is he reading my mind

”Hey, I have no other choice after all you are not talking to me out of fear. ” it is reading my mind. Damn, I don't have any choice but to show my true feelings, do I?

”Yes you don't have now shall we continue on our little chat. You know I don't have enough time to talk to you. So try to understand me ok. ” It said with a smile which is very scary. Damn, I never felt like this after dying by Gods strike.

”Sorry oh, Great one for not being polite earlier but can you please introduce yourself to me. If you don't mind oh kind one. ” I said as politely as I could.

”You know me just don't understand who I am but cursing will not get you anywhere will it besides you are here because of your own mistakes, aren't you? ” it said with a kind tone. Why does it sound so familiar to me???

”No, it wasn't. Go just put me here because he wanted to. ” yes that right that was what happend in tge past.

”Oh, really then can you tell me begged for mercy and agreed to help humanity to protect themselves with white one? ” he said the truth what I didn't want to accept

”Hey, that's because I didn't have any other choice back then God was going to erase our soul or tapping us in the limbo for eternity. Wait a minute how do you know about it? Only I, the white one and ” Is this for real is this thing in front of me really…. But that can't be isn't God dead.

”Did you saw it yourself happning? ” it said while showing all its teeth. Then suddenly disappear from there. of course, I didn't see. Actually, no one saw it happning but we thought this because No one ever met God after that. then...

What just happend???

Was I imagining things right now? That must be it my after all that mysterious kid is...!!!.…

What the wait is he looking at me???

I must be thinking things.… yes I am feeling too lonely.

”How rude of you thinking of me as your imagination.” that thing said suddenly as it appeared for a moment but diapered the moment after that. Then it was real.…what just happend???

•••••••Ddraig Pov end•••••••

After Neo was done talking with Ddraig he again went back to his mother side.

When he was back beside his mother Issei stood up as he looked at Neo then said ”Big brother let's go play.” with an innocent smile.

When Neo saw this smile he thought to himself 'This is the reason God doesn't punish someone until they do the wrong thing. Even after knowing they will do something wrong. Well the previous God waited till the last moment but I don't think I will be that much merciful.…' after thinking that Neo went near Issei as he said as the smile on his face never vanished ”Yes let's play but try not to fall again ok. ”

”Yes, I definitely won't fall you will see. ” Issei said with determination as they went to play with the other kids in the park.

When Neo was playing with other kids Roka was talking with Isseis mother.