3 Neos new Family... (1/2)


Kyoto University Hospital Japan…

After losing his consciousness the boy finally gain back his consciousness when he felt someone is cleaning him with medium warm water which is just perfect temperature from his liking and from the way the person cleaning him he could feel the care from it and tried to open his eyes just to fail because he wasn't prepared for it yet.

'This feels good. ' the boy thought to himself while enjoying getting cleaned.

”You sure are a cute boy now let Auntie put you in a warm and towel. ” he heard a young woman saying this to him in a low and melodic tone which he really liked but what surprised him is the shouting and appealing tone of a young man and a woman.

”Why you??? ” he heard the voice of an angry young woman in shouting with anger but suddenly her tone got lower as she said ”Ahhhh! It hurts this pain. ”

”I am sorry Mitsy I didn't mean to say that, Fine it all my fault, it's all my fault. ” the young man started apologizing after the woman's shout in pain.

”Ah, the pain. ” the young woman again complained because of her pain.

”What are you complaining about your Son is already born. ” the woman who is holding him said with an annoyed tone while starting walking.

'Are they my parents!?!? ' the boy thought while hearing the way they were interacting with each other.

Immediately after the woman stopped walking his mother said with an excited and happy tone ” My son is so cute give him to me. ”

”No Mitsy I should be the one to take him as you are still weak right now. ” the young man from earlier who sounds like his father said with a serious tone.

'So my mother's name is Misty and yes I also agree with you dad because from the shouts that I heard earlier she really seems weak. ' the boy thought inwardly with a nod.


After the sound of slapping his mother, Misty started speaking with a strong tone ”No I am his mother so I should be the one to take him first besides who told you that I am weak mister? ”

'What are you talking about Mother you are the one who was shouting in pain earlier and what's up with the sudden change of your tone??? ' the boy thought with surprise hearing his mother speaking.

With a confused tone his father asked ”Hey, you were the one who was yelling out in pain a moment ago. ”

'Yes, I also agree with your words father. ' the boy thought after hearing his father's reply with satisfaction.

Hearing this his mother replied with a serious tone”Well that time I was too scared, So I acted like that. ”

'What how does that even works??? ' the boy thought with confusion hearing his mother.

”You know what I admit defeat. ” his father said with a defeated tone and from his tone, it is safe to say he accepted his defeat and already used to it.