Chapter 370 (1/1)

Dinner is still based on energy and nutritional ingredients. Luo Bi stayed in bed for most of the day today. She was hungry, but she was nervous about eating at night.

There are only Fengling and Luobi in the apartment. The others are not there. It's not clear whether they came back when they were sleeping. Anyway, no outsiders are better. Luobi really doesn't like Tong Yiting and Jiang Zhi.

After dinner, they washed the tableware. After sitting on the balcony for a while, they went back to the room and washed again. They put on their pajamas and lay in bed to chat. Luo bidong talked about the Luo family again. She likes to tell people close to her what happened around her. She can't change it since she was a child.

Chatting, Fengling turned over and pressed her. Luo Bi didn't refuse and was tossed by the man.

Afterwards, Fengling looked at the blood on the bed and was slightly surprised that Luobi was the first time. She was 29 years old and had never done it with Huachen. After a while, Fengling digested the impact of this matter on him. In fact, he didn't care whether women were the first time. It would be ridiculous for men in the star age to stick to women for the first time.

Twisted her eyebrows and looked at the blood on the bed. Fengling put hot water in the bathroom and came back to hold Luo Bi for cleaning. Luo Bi was sore all over now, so she was held by a man.

The water Phoenix Ling in the bathtub was deliberately hot. Luo bigang moved in and was stimulated. However, she knew that the water temperature was good for her and didn't come out. The bathtub had massage effect. After soaking for a while, the pain on her body was relieved a lot.

When Fengling took a bath in Luobi, she changed the bloody sheets on the bed. She estimated that the time was almost up. She went into the bathroom, fished out the people, dried them with a towel and carried them back to the bed.

Nodded and kissed Luo Bi's soft lips. Feng Lingwen said, ”this is your first time. Tomorrow I'll get you a pair of herbs to recuperate your body.”

Luo Bi made a soft ”um” sound. She was uncomfortable, stopped talking and fell asleep.

At dawn, Fengling got up and spoke to Luo Bi. She went out to Shuiyue bamboo garden to find Zhan Yi to dispense medicine.

Shuiyue bamboo garden has beautiful scenery and pure air. It is a holy land for self-cultivation. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers. There are elegant bamboos everywhere. It is a quiet and elegant place dominated by bamboos. Its residences are retro buildings of pavilions, exotic flowers and plants, ancient trees and fairy springs. Most of the imperial nobles and capable people come here for medical support.

Zhan Yi just got up. Fengling came to see him. He was surprised. He slowly went to the living room to see people: ”in the early morning, major Feng suddenly remembered to come to me.”

Fengling didn't hide it. She told Luo Bi about it. Finally, she said, ”she's weak. Don't use drugs with side effects at all.”

Zhan Yi stared at Fengling for a few seconds. Fengling didn't think so. He looked at him with fierce and aggressive eyes. Zhan Yi lost the battle and joked: ”it seems that he cares a little. Do you need me to fill the medicine in person?”

”That's what I mean.”

Zhan Yi smiled and didn't say hello. He walked back and forth to the ancient pharmacy, and Fengling followed.

Since Fengling wouldn't let him use drugs with side effects, Zhan Yi naturally took good drugs tightly and joked while dispensing: ”for the first time, it's rare. Do you want me to report to the women's rights institution and strive for an adult gift for your wife?”

Thinking about Luo Bi's temperament, she certainly didn't want to publicize this kind of thing. Fengling shook her head: ”forget it, I'll prepare an adult gift for her.”

”It's strange. Why don't you want what you deserve?”