Chapter 146 (1/2)

When it comes to the name ”teyosheng”, the freshmen on the bus are envious.

Special gifted students mean that they are the top students among the top students. Once they enter the University, they can get better resources and treatment than ordinary freshmen.

Moreover, after graduation, the military rank of gifted students is one to two grades higher than that of ordinary freshmen.

The future is immeasurable and will be taken care of by the military department.

On the bus, many freshmen sighed: ”I really envy those excellent students! They get several times as much as our ordinary freshmen

”Yes, I really want to see what the thirty gifted students have? Why, better than us? What kind of arms do they have

”In fact, the best treatment for special gifted students is that they don't need to live in big shops, or even crowd out a dormitory. It's great that every one of them has a private apartment while he's in school! Many faculty members in the university do not have this treatment! ”

There are well-informed freshmen, sighed.

Du Qingke did not reply.

He remembered that major Luo Hao's promise to himself was that the military academy [gifted students].

Du Qingke will be admitted to Zhennan military university as a special gifted student.

Du Qingke's present status is a special excellent student of Zhennan military university, one of the 30 special excellent students among the freshmen!

”By the way, brother, what's your name? Which major did you accept? ”

Asked the young man with a flat head sitting beside him.

”Oh, my name is Du Qingke. My major is: Army Special Forces major! ”

Du Qingke said with a smile.

”Hello, brother Du Qingke. My name is: Xiong Weiting, from the black soil province. I was also admitted to the army special forces program. After that, we are the same professional students. We may be divided into one class

The flat headed youth Xiong Weiting said excitedly.

”Yes! They are all classmates. ”

Du Qingke nodded.

In the bus, the freshmen are warmly connected and chatting.

Xiong Weiting, a young man with a flat head next to Du Qingke, is also a fierce figure. He is one of the top ten candidates in the college entrance examination in Heitu province. His accomplishments have reached the top of the silver rank.

Moreover, Xiong Weiting's home is in the mountainous area. He and his elders in the village have learned powerful hunting techniques and recognized some wild trees and flowers. He is also very skilled and has rich experience in wilderness life.

Living in the wild, Xiong Weiting is extremely powerful.

Of course, the most legendary is that Xiong Weiting himself said that he always thought his family was very poor, and his family were all in the mountains.

Until, after the end of the college entrance examination, has been working outside the parents, suddenly called.

Parents, on the phone, confessed to Xiong Weiting about one thing.

”Little bear, mom and Dad, there's always something I haven't told you. In fact, my parents are the richest people in the black soil Province, and have been on the Forbes China region list

”The reason why I didn't tell you when I was a child was to sharpen your tenacity and good character. Now, bear, you have grown up and are very sensible. Relying on your own efforts, you have been admitted to Zhennan military college. Mom and dad are very happy and will announce their identities to you. ”

Xiong Weiting was shocked.

I didn't expect that such a dramatic thing would happen to me.

Xiong Weiting thought his parents were lying to him. Who knows, he just hung up the phone.

A brand new Rolls Royce was parked at the village gate.