Chapter 2371: Everyone Can Magic Ninety-Seven (1/2)

Chapter 2371 Everyone Can Magic Ninety-Seven

Luke had already sensed someone behind Bernice.

After all, his magic level is much higher than Bernice.

is more perceptive than Bernice.

At this time, it was no surprise that more than 20 senior magicians suddenly jumped out.

These magicians have all kinds.

However, they are all demons.

Their magic is very dangerous and requires Luke to deal with it very carefully.

"Stand behind me and don't get out of the circle." Luke was actually under a lot of pressure, and he had no problem dealing with these people.

But behind him there is Ruan Ruan who needs to be protected.

Even people can help.

But the magic level of the elves is generally not high.

Otherwise, in the plot, there will be no people from the whole family who can't stop the heroine, the great magician.

So, it can help, but the power is very small.

At this time, Bernice also discovered Luke's weakness.

After all, his gesture of protecting Ruan Ruan was too obvious.

Once a person has a weakness, when fighting against others, it is inevitable that they must be tied up, and it is easy to expose flaws.

Luke did not feel that he could hide the past.

After all, he really wanted to protect Ruan Ruan.

And this protective posture, as long as the eyes are not blind, can be seen.

is also because I know that these people can see it.

Therefore, he would let Ruan Ruan stand behind him and not get out of the circle.

He will protect her.


"Yeah." Ruan Ruan replied casually, but the soft voice made Luke feel particularly at ease.

Although Luke was not worried about Ruan Ruan, but thinking about it, Ruan Ruan was able to tear scumbag men and women with bare hands, which shows that close-up skills are still quite good.

Those magicians really dare to come up, but they may not be able to take advantage.