Chapter 1761: Excellent female fairy, she is afraid of height 63 (1/2)

Chapter 1761 A peerless fairy, she is afraid of heights sixty-three

As a result, Ruan Ruan opened the door and found that Ruan Yi pushed the door and came out.

Seeing Ruan Ruan, there was still condensation on his face.

However, because someone was pushing the door to come out, Ruan Yi had to say with a polite smile: "Junior Ruan Ruan is getting up, you little beast looks quite energetic."

I don’t know what to say, so just talk about the other person’s pet.

Because Ruan Ergou was too small and couldn't see any breed, they didn't think it was Ruan Ruan's spirit beast.

And most of you have just built the foundation, how can you control the spirit beast?

So, at most, it’s just an unknown little pet.

Ruan Yi said this because he didn't want to talk to Ruan Ruan, so he found a topic by the way.

Soon, before Ruan Ruan could answer, Ruan Yi spoke to another junior brother.

"Isn't the senior brother back yet?" At this time, Ruan Yi completely regarded himself as Jianfeng's little junior sister, and for Ruan Xing, he called the senior brother very smoothly.

The little radish head who was asked about it thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No, I didn't hear that the senior brother came back, and there was no movement next door."

This little brother lives next door to Ruan Xing, and Ruan Yi...

lived on the other side.

I didn't hear anything all night, so Ruan Xing definitely didn't come back, Ruan Yi didn't give up, so I asked.

Even if he asked, he didn't seem to give up, so he knocked on the door again.

Ruan Ruan was too lazy to care about her.

Ruan Xing is not here, Ruan Yi has the arrangement of Ruan Xing before, so she takes Qiao very much and feels that she should preside over things.

The little fox thinks it is too troublesome, and wishes that someone would come to host it, eat and drink by himself, and then go back to the sect.

But when Ruan Ruan finished eating and went upstairs to pack up, he was blocked by someone.

The other party was not blocked by the stairs, but came directly to Ruan Ruan's room door.