Chapter 1745: The perfect female fairy, she is afraid of being forty-four (1/2)

Chapter 1745 A peerless fairy, she is afraid of heights forty-four

After    one shot, Du Ruoyin's physical strength could not stand it. After all, he was just building a foundation, and he couldn't compare to a golden core like Fu Ziyu.

So, Du Ruoyin fainted.

"Small thing, this can't be done?" Fu Ziyu fiddled with Du Ruoyin gently, with a sinister smile on the corners of his lips.

Originally, he wanted to wake Du Ruoyin in a special way.

As a result, he felt a dangerous aura.

Immediately realized that something was wrong, and just left a bamboo slip on which it was written that I had left beforehand, see you later.

Then he left some medicinal pills for Du Ruoyin, and then he left quietly, not wanting the enemy to target Du Ruoyin again.

After all, Du Ruoyin is now a little rookie who builds a foundation. He is really targeted by the enemy, and he has a cauldron physique, so it is estimated that he is a cool guy.

Those people wouldn't be as soft-hearted as him, and they would just take Du Ruoyin directly.

Therefore, he cannot implicate her.

Fu Ziyu left, Ruan Ruan's ears finally calmed down a bit.

After getting up early and meditating for a while, the sound of one after another started again.

The monks get up early and have a cool shot.

One shot is not enough, maybe another shot.

So, this sound will come from time to time.

Ruan Ruan only hated that the gap between himself and Gouzi was too great. Otherwise, he would call Gouzi now, roll the sheets first, and then talk about it.

"Dad." 9488 got up early in the morning and found that the little fox was full of desire and dissatisfaction, and couldn't help but start laughing.

Ruan Ruan knew as soon as he heard it laughing, this guy wanted to fight again.

replied lazily: "Here, unfilial son."

When   9488 heard it, he shrank his head, but he had nothing to fear. He said with a smile, "Lemon fruit on the lemon tree, you and me under the lemon tree, Dad, you are like a lemon essence at this time."

The little fox smiled, but it was rare that he didn't respond.