Chapter 1298: Online Game God Thirty-Eight (1/2)

Chapter 1298 Online Game God Thirty-Eight

And Ruan Ruan only took 12 minutes from the first beating to the beautiful counterattack after that.

The progress is rapid, this is what the river above sees.

After all, Chuanliu had also reflected on himself. When he was level 40, did he have such a speed of progress?

seems not.

At that time, I was still being beaten by mobs and bosses in the wild.

Now, seeing Ruan Ruan like this, Chuanliu's heart is inexplicably sweet.

9488: ? ? ?

Why did you start abusing dogs again?

Ruan Ruan finally began to get used to it, and then he and Chuanliu Shang both started the monster spawning mode.

Mengmeng on the other side looked at you, and after a week of silence, she finally started tearing X with people again.

In the memory of the original owner, he actually had no idea about these people.

But look at the description in the plot, Mengmeng looks at you, it seems like a real white, innocent and cute, and innocent.

How come to Ruan Ruan, it seems that the other party is a good thing, and he will tear it up every day if he has nothing to do?

I don't know if the world has changed her, or the man has changed her.

It doesn't look right.

"She, was someone wearing it?" Ruan Ruan was still talking to 9488 about this in her consciousness.

After   9488 has tested it, it shows that all the results are normal.

"Nothing abnormal, Dad." After the test, 9488 repeated it again.

is not worn, nor reborn or anything.

Then it has changed, or is the plot written too beautifully?

"Next time, you better organize a subjective plot for me." Ruan Ruan said with a smile after thinking about it.

9488 said with a smile that he was still willing to do this job.

As a result, the next second, the little fox took a step forward, took out the handkerchief in his backpack and gently wiped the sweat on the river.

The two stepped aside, recovered a bit, and drank some water to replenish their stamina.