Chapter 1279: online game **** nineteen (1/2)

Chapter 1279 Online Game God Nineteen

Fortunately, this level 35 trumpet didn't lie to them.

After the normal transaction, Liangxiang also added a friend.

And at this time, Ruan Ruan slowly said something else to Fan Hualuo.

【Qingshuang (whispering): Do you need this (Mithril)]

The mithril fragments that Ruan Ruan had hit before have all been synthesized into mithril, which saves storage space.

But when I killed the rabbit just now, I shot a few more and combined two more.

So, there is still stock in hand now.

Seeing that Ruan Ruan sent Mithril, he was stunned for a moment.

How can a 35-level trumpet have this?

Think about the main task, how many points will be given.

I thought this trumpet had a few in my hand, so I wanted to sell them to make some money.

This thing usually costs about 50 yuan in the game.

If    is exchanged for game currency, it is about 500 gold coins.

The ratio of    game currency to real currency is almost the same.

Guess that the other party may be a trumpet who wants to sell money, and the flowers and flowers also give goodwill.

【The flowers are all gone (whispering): Yes, how many? 】

Blossoms are all over, I learned a new skill book at this time, and the whole person is very happy.

Liang Ran, the leader of the temple, is still complaining.

He came to be this middleman, and he was going to be hacked by Umbrella Xiu in his own gang when he went back.

Everyone is joking, it’s considered to be brought over.

The relationship between the two guilds is not bad.

So, everyone is just joking, and no one takes it seriously.

Among the four major guilds, the other three guilds have good relations.

His relationship with the God Team in the past was actually pretty good.

Although the four major gangs are said to have competition, most of them are also benign, and there are few that fight to the death.

However, I don’t know when it all changed.