Chapter 1273: Online game **** thirteen (1/2)

Chapter 1273 Online Game God Thirteen

It is true that the level after level 20 is not easy to upgrade.

But it doesn't make any sense to brush the level 17 ghost doll by yourself.

After brushing for three days, I was about to vomit.

The ghost doll is now at a lower level than himself and provides too little experience.

Ruan Ruan didn't want to waste time here.

So, I packed up my belongings, rubbed the stone back to the city, and cleaned up my backpack after returning to the city.

stepped into the Snowy Mountain Villa again.

Along this path, no one knows what lies ahead.

Some players have written some strategies, but they only wrote about the ghost doll.

Going further, he just said that he had walked for a long time and found nothing.

The whole journey is a small road, and the second half is very dangerous. It is a cliff. Players need to be very careful on the side before they can pass.

And the player also wrote it.

At that time, he tried to walk most of the time, but he still couldn't see the destination, and finally gave up.

And the Snowy Mountain Villa looks very big, but it seems that there is only one way to the inside.

If you are afraid of heights, you can’t walk past it.

There are no more strategies to refer to, Ruan Ruan can only **** forward by himself.

After walking for a long time, Ruan Ruan pinched and walked for two hours.

But the surrounding environment has not changed much.

is very deep, and there is an indescribable ghostly meaning.

The    breath seemed to have become a little colder, and the occasional insect chirping around him was a little scary.

But the path is still there.

On both sides of the side are just mountains that can't see the top.

Can't climb up.

At least, Ruan Ruan took a look, it was too high.

towers directly into a black cloud.

is too steep to climb directly.

It is estimated that the designer of the game does not want players to climb.

Among them, only the road under your feet can be walked.

Ruan Ruan walked very comfortably and was not afraid at all.

After walking for another two hours, there was still no change on both sides of the road.

feels like there is no end to this road.

Need to keep going.