Chapter 553: Wretched development, dont waver (1/2)

Chapter 553 Wretched development, don't waver two

In this three-person relationship, the original owner is the worst one.

Little Fox has no way of determining for the time being, whether the dog and the man in the plot were given to the original owner at the very beginning, or whether they got together later.

But it doesn't matter, the original owner's wish is: to rectify his own name.

Then the little fox doesn't need to be soft.

You can continue to release yourself in this world.

The good Bai Fumei is inappropriate, because of the remarks of those keyboard warriors on the Internet, give up yourself?

No no no, little fox is not so stupid.

She just wants to wave, and she also wants to wave in front of these keyboard warriors.

In the past, the original owner had the idea of ​​taking care of his girlfriends. He rarely brought the other party into his upper circle, and he didn't talk much about his upper circle to the other party.

Now, the little fox is here, but he doesn't have so many scruples.

For the little fox, a green tea bitch, black heart lotus, still wants to be friends with himself?


"Dad, take it easy." 9488 wanted to do something when he saw the spicy chicken and fox.

But it didn't dare to say it, so it could only persuade honestly.

"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt." The little fox smiled slyly, then turned back to the room to rest.

Let's keep your spirits up.

This villa is by itself, Ruan Ruan doesn't care about other things.

Refreshing his spirits, Ruan Ruan got up early the next morning and swiped a circle on Weibo.

On the hot search, either this little flower has flopped again, or the actress has cooked again, or another actor has collapsed on the reality show.


The things before the original owner are actually also on the hot search.

However, the hot search in the game circle will never be in the front.

Even if you buy hot searches with money, you can rarely buy the front position.

After all, the top ten positions cost a lot of money.