Chapter 373: Every day in the Shura field sixteen (1/2)

Chapter 373 Every day in the Shura field sixteen

Others didn't notice the details, but Shen Ke did.

Because I noticed it, my mind was complicated.

The information from the investigation shows that Ruan Ruan once worked as a liquor salesman in the "Jiayun Bar".

Aside from the messy comments, Shen Ke has always had a good memory. He remembered that he seemed to have seen Ruan Ruan one night.

Xu Jian returned to China just in time for his birthday. He, Xu Jian and Fu Minhang had a drink at Jiayun Bar.

It’s just that they all drank too much later. When he woke up in the morning, he and Xu Jian were still crammed into the bed in the big-bed room provided behind the private room of the bar…

At that time, four men were huddled together on a bed, and the scene was very embarrassing for a while.

Others may not have noticed, and hurriedly dressed and left the room.

But Shen Ke, who left last, lifted the quilt and found that there was still a dark red on the bed.



Shen Ke was completely cut off and couldn't remember at all.

But he was always calm and self-controlled and rarely got drunk.

Even if you drink two more drinks on your birthday, you won't be really drunk.

Shen Ke checked this matter later, but in the wine they drank, a drug was found.

Shen Ke has always had doubts in his heart. Others are not as careful as him, and they are all prodigal sons who are nostalgic for flowers, so they have never paid attention to these.

But Shen Ke always remembered.

If his memory is correct, Ruan Ruan was the one who brought wine to their private room that night.

He also checked the bar's surveillance later, and Ruan Ruan left the bar in the early hours of the morning.

Because there are surveillance cameras in the corridor, it can be seen that she came out of their private room in the early morning and left in a hurry, her clothes are disheveled.

Shen Ke once put down this matter before, but now he has found it again, with a dangerous light in his eyes.