Chapter 76: Entertainment star twenty-eight (1/2)

Chapter 76 Entertainment Starlight Twenty-eight

Star fans first licked the Weibo text for a while, and then clicked on the song link.

The song is very short, just a short audition, there is no serious accompaniment, only a simple guitar sound.

But it is such a simple style of painting, coupled with such distressing lyrics, but it makes the star fans cry like a fat man with this short paragraph.

Star fans know a little about the things that have been passed on in the circle before, but they have never known what happened.

And he couldn't believe what kind of accident Gu Xingguang would encounter.

But listening to this lyric, although it was not sung by Gu Xingguang, the star fans suddenly understood the heart of their idols.

Yes, what about broken wings.

is the test of fate!

Their stars are so gentle and so good, even if they are jealous of God and scarred, they will come back one day.

The throne of heroes is always drenched with sweat.

So, they never lost their patience in waiting.

I have finally waited, although I still don’t know what the truth is.

But listening to this little girl's natural sound, and listening carefully to the humming of the female voice in the second half of the guitar, there seemed to be a low, hoarse male voice that made the ears numb.

What else they don't understand.

That low, husky male voice is their starlight.

No matter what it becomes, it is their starlight!

The former Tian Laiyin didn't know how it became what it is now, but as long as he is still willing to speak up, Xingfan is willing to follow him all the way.

Although today's home game is actually Ruan Ruan's song, the star fans have made up their minds.

Ruan Ruan retweeted Weibo afterwards.