Chapter 523 Recent Suspicion (1/2)
Chapter 523 Recent Suspicion
Disbanding the Syndicate was the only way to avoid wars and assassinations against the Ross Syndicate If there was no syndicate, nothing would happen It was indeed a harsh solution, but it was also the safest one
The only thing Rusher cared about was protecting his fao, so he wasn't against the idea of disbanding the Ross Syndicate
The rereed to Ruby's decision
After that, Ruby infor with Maria and Rudy At first, Nyara was against it, but she reluctantly agreed as she knew Ruby was the best person she could entrust Ruby and Maria with
Soon after, the Ross Syndicate was evicted in the next few hours, and everyone left Rusher, Nyara, and his parents left the Underworld and took a flight overseas to spend the rest of their lives in a safe house in the safest area of that country And Lilim had moved in to the Lu Bela syndicate as per Rudy's orders, so she could watch the progress of Rudy's recent request to Lu Bela
Rudy, Maria, and Ruby took one reed to Maria— and drove to the water park where Maria and Ruby were supposed to leave for the next few days
Ruby was speechless to see other girls there She thought he had sca as he had so else to do
He tapped on his chest and asked Angelica whether she ake, and Angelica responded with a no He asked her to coirls so she wouldn't feel lonely
He proht and left But he decided to drop by Reina's office and spend some time with her She told him that the builder had sent a blueprint of the a for theto pay, but Reina stated she had already done that So Rudy decided to withdraw fifty thousand dollars from Maria's account— which was actually his account where he stored all his Underworld ive the money to Reina, but she refused to take it and said that it was her parent's dream and she wanted to use her own money She didn't want to rely on Rudy, where she could handle things on her own
Of course, she relied on Rudy for other things, but Rudy wanted Reina to be co Reina's pride So he decided to let Reina take control of everything
It was still noon when all that happened, and the school hours were about to end, so Rudy decided to head to school so he could at least go home with Alice and Janet
When he checked his phone in the es from Alice and Janet Alice had ether after he didn't respond to her calls
Alice are that Rudy could be busy with s, so she decided to leave hi him further, but that wasn't the case with Janet