Chapter 2301 (1/2)

Chapter 2301 - Treating ru shi+yi ca

He pushed open the door and saw that Feng Yege had already woke up and was reclining on a couch, his hand holding a book

He wore a long black gown and his long hair was loose, falling over his shoulders and onto the couch

His long goas loose too and it hung over his frame

His master was clearly an immortal type of person, but why did he suddenly feel a bit demonic and cold?

He felt his e

He shuffled around a bit, not leaving as he snuck a few looks at Feng Yege

He then mumbled, “Master, this …”

Did you wake up early or did you not sleep at all last night?

That's what he wanted to ask but he didn't have the guts

Feng Yege flipped over a page, not even lifting up his head, “Is there so shi+yi lowered his head, “Master, there … there's soe lifted up an eyelid, his eyes cal shi+yi feel even ht, I accidentally overheard soe's face was still e shi+yi silently sed “That is … the night when the ee's hand froze for a second before his eyes lowered, “Oh? What did you hear?”

“I heard, heard …” Feng shi+yi still felt like Lou Qingords froe

But he still couldn't understand thebehind the as how the , as well as how silently cold his master was …

He felt like, with how much he understood hisunderneath

He felt like he had a duty to report what he had overhead