2 Chapter Two (1/2)


Every day is the same. Nothing is ever new; same old classes same old subjects, same old faces. Everyday gathering here, chitchatting, taking notes, going home and studying and repeat. That is all what life is. Nothing surprises me anymore; it feels like I've lost all my emotions.

\”Just three more years...\” I mumbled under my breath, comforting myself.

It's kind of difficult for me to endure college when I have no one to rely on but of course Liam. Liam was the one who approached me when I was a newbie here. We have different classes but we're friends. I was closed off to him as well but there was something in him that made me trust him more. He tried his best to approach me in first but I am not really used to of making friends and I was sure them at he's going to leave me too at a point or a two but boy he proved me wrong! He stayed with me through everything. He literally is there every single time for me. He pushes me to do stuffs I don't want to do like presenting in front of the class and he's always cheering for me. I don't like that though. Not saying I don't like him but I don't like gathering attention.

I was brought back to reality when people past by me almost pushing me to the class.

Classes always sucked. Soulless lectures and lifeless students. all the students crawled into our class and took our seats, 'Miss Melanie' entered soon after.

We tried to greet her, since she made a rule in the class that we'd greet her every morning so she could energize us. I have no idea what she was thinking, but we were interrupted like always. \”Everyone, A new student got transferred here.\” she orated in her squealing voice.

The moment a girl came in, I got a text message from my aunt saying that she'll be visiting me this weekend. Ughh. She always text me every other weekend but never comes and visit. When I put down my phone after replying, the girl was already seated in front, making it so I couldn't see anything except for her hair. She had long wavy hair entirely hiding her back.

The class was dismissed everyone rushed outside in the cafeteria, almost stampeding the 'freshmen'. I grabbed my notes and walked out. On my way to the cafeteria, my one and only friend, Liam, came running from behind, putting his hand around my shoulders. \”Are you done with the assignment Miss Melanie gave you last week?\” He said in a deafening tone, purposefully trying to annoy me.

\”I am not! I am still stuck on the last question.\” I replied, a little irritated at the fact that I couldn't figure out the answer.

And with that we continued walking towards the cafeteria, talking on the way. Our conversation went on as we got our food and sat on a table. It is always silence between us when we eat because I like to focus on food and so does he. but we were comfortable with it because we are used to it but then Liam decided to break the wall silence between us, \”Where are you going to go once you get out of this college?\” He asked me out of nowhere.

\”Well, I am not quite sure, but I'm planning to move abroad.\” I said. I really am planning on moving to abroad for the sake of starting a new life. A life where I'd definitely forget about my past and live a better one.

Liam seemed to be amused, I didn't know why though but he just nodded. And so we continued to eat our lunch peacefully. After lunch we had fifteen minutes left until our next class, so I just continued on with my assignment. Liam was quietly watching me as I busied myself with work. He's always like that. In the starting before our friendship, I used to avoid him so much because I knew at a point or a two he's going to leave me too but no, he was always there to annoy me and irritate the shit out of me. I ignored him a lot but he didn't give up, he annoyed me a lot but I like him now. I've grown some kind of close to him.

Because was always here with me. I don't know how but he always knew when I was having a hard time and when I was upset. He was always there to cheer me up. He was always there when I did great on my mocks and was there to celebrate my success, that's why I let him in. That's why I opened up to him. He's a great friend and I hope we stay that way.

The break was over and we practically crawled back to our class. We took our seats and waited. \”Who is going to a help Sophia and tell her all about our last assignment?\” Miss Melanie asked as soon as she got in the class. It wasn't her class but seemed like that girl went to Melanie for help.

The whole class went as quiet as a graveyard.

I looked up to see Sophia standing in front of the class. It was the first time I saw her, really saw her. I could barely see any make up on her face, not that I dislike it but girls here use so much make up that it's hard to recognize them once they take it off but I could literally see her little freckles. Her hair was caramel colored and were flowed over her shoulders. She had a glossy skin and slender eyebrows. She was wearing sea blue sleeveless loose shirt with a dark blue shorts and she had a sweater wrapped around her waist like a sloth. She looked so innocent and pure and worried. I was lost in my thoughts when Miss Melanie spoke;

\”Mr. Logan you are going to do it.\”

\”Me? What?\”

\”You're going to help Ms Sophia with the assignment.\” She smiled specially to irritate me.

\”Me? That's not a good idea miss. I totally disagree.\” I replied shaking my head burying myself lower so I could no longer see her.

\”I am not asking you Logan I am telling you.\” No I don't think that's a good idea. I can't do this.


\”No buts here.\” She showed her devil smile telling me that she won.

Oh god.

Sophia caught me making faces and I instantly knew why Miss Melanie chose me. It's because I am probably the quietest student in her class. I rarely participate in anything while she keeps bugging me to do so.

Well good luck Logan.