Chapter 187 - Darcy Travers (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 36500K 2022-07-25

Feeling rather well rested, Rowan awoke early the next morning to meditate as was her common practice. Tracing the energy within her body, she followed the pathways within her body to see how thick they'd grown over the summer. She still couldn't teleport to places she'd never been and probably wouldn't for some while. But her world mapscape in her mind showed her every single place she'd been to include the Hogwarts Express train route to that of Diagon Alley and more importantly Gringotts. Ever since, Professor Adric-, her power had exponentially grown again creating her new limit to be that of the Hogsmeade station.

Withdrawing back into her mind, Rowan reflexively clears her mind as she'd been doing each day for her mindscape. Anything of importance was put away or rearranged to be placed in semi-hidden places or left out into the open. Finished she pondered on what she should concentrate her research on this year. Salazar's first volume had not produced anything of interest for now, she was not placing much value on either volume she had brought with her, beyond learning dark magic or spells.

Sadly, enough she'd allowed herself to be coerced into aiding the marauders into becoming animagus. But that didn't involve as much research as finding a place to hide, (which she already knew the perfect spot), borrow several ingredients from Professor Slughorn's storage, and somehow convince Severus to create the needed potions, (which was not her problem). And neither could she further work on her soul research. Perhaps, wizard anatomy volumes could be a good place to start to see if there are any differences on how they view the body versus the medical physiology that she knew.

Satisfied, that she had a place to start, Rowan spent the rest of the morning meditating, before rising and readying herself for the day. Stopping to wait in the common room as it was still a bit early, she took a seat to wait for it to get a closer to the hour, before heading up to the Great Hall. To her surprise this morning it wasn't Regulus who was out first out of the boy's room but rather the Slytherin 5th year Prefect, Darcy Travers. A bit scholarly looking with pale skin and semi-pink lips. This year's Prefect nodded his chocolate-colored head at her, before striding out of the common room.

”I guess Prefect's must start their day earlier than others,” Rowan muttered, but not that she had ever noticed before. But then again, if it was not a matter of interest to her, and she did have a bad tendency to ignore the smaller details.

Suddenly, a rush of footsteps can be heard from behind her for only to see the female Prefect rush out past her and out of the common room. Knowing that panicked gait, Rowan murmurs, ”Running late, eh.”

Glancing over at the time, Rowan finally rises to her feet to only stop at seeing the yawning figure of Regulus emerge. ”Good morning, Rowan,” Regulus sleepily said.

”Good morning, Regulus,” Rowan said as they strode out of the common room. ”How did you sleep?” Rowan asked as they made their way through the cool dungeons.

”Not bad at all,” Regulus replied as he gave Rowan a rather pointed glance.

Rowan hides a smirk knowing exactly what he was referring to and feigns ignorance. ”Well, that's good to hear,” Rowan said. ”I never did ask but did you sign up for any extra-curricular courses beyond Gobbledegook?”

”The four of us thought it might be fun to try Xylomancy,” Regulus admitted. ”But I don't like divination. So, Barty and I signed up for Art, while Dirk and Letitia went for Xylomancy. Apparently, Dirk finds it rather fascinating to use twigs for Divination. Personally, I think it's a whole load of crock.”

”I feel much the same way,” Rowan drily said. ”But next year, you will be taking two more required courses, Regulus. Divination is quite the popular class due to its ease and not necessarily due to beliefs. But Care of Magical Creatures is to be rather fun, I am told. But I did not sign up for either class, to be honest. However, Severus and Terry did for both.”

”I'll keep that in mind,” Regulus said as they entered the great hall that showed a slightly cloudy sky after yesterday's great big storm. ”But I personally think, I'll take Care of Magical Creatures and pick another nice studious class.”

”That's what you say, now,” Rowan said with a teasing grin as they took their seat at the rapidly filling table.

Sniffing about, Rowan served herself some nice hash browns, eggs, toast with a dash of ketchup on her eggs and potatoes. Along with a glass of orange juice, she happily began to dig in. Taking a bite of her food, Rowan says, ”Any luck with getting a cat yet?”

Regulus flushes and says, ”No, but I think if it was a gift from someone whose father and mother couldn't decline that would most certainly work.”

”Oh, well, we shall see about that,” Rowan said with a teasing grin as the idea of getting him a kitten for Christmas greatly appealed to her.

”Oh, well if isn't Prince and her latest lover boy,” said, the nasal voice of Quyen Crowley could be heard.