Part 3 (1/2)

”You'll be lucky to get ten”

”Ten dollars won't see us through We have got to get enough to pay our bills and secure our passage down to Boston”

”And howAndrews, cautiously Earl made a rapid calculation With the roceries, twenty-five dollars ought to see theh

”WeAndrews said no more, but turned away to wait on a custo sheets of paper, Earl set to work and penned two notices, both alike, stating that the goods and chattels of the Portney brothers would be sold within the next three days, to the highest bidders, and a list of the articles followed One of the notices was tacked up in front of the store and the other in front of the hotel, and then Earl returned ho brother had expected, Randy was lad that Earl had gone ahead, nevertheless, and before he retired that night, he brought forth some of the articles to be sold, andbreakfast when the first prospective buyer rode up in a fare behind Basco, as thinking of settling down to cabin life by hi in sight, but Earl held out for forty dollars

The man was about to drive ahen a second luon Both of the newcoh they affected indifference Bidding becaoods were split up between the first co thirty dollars and the latter twenty dollars for what they got This made fifty dollars in all, and out of this a Andrews on the spot

It hile thethem away, that Caleb Norcross appeared He had expected to make a cheap purchase, and was keenly disappointed to find he was too late

”Getting out, eh?” he ventured

”Yes,” answered Earl, briefly ”You can have your keys in a couple of hours Here is your ru to take the property?” asked Randy, curiously

”No, he backed out last night,” answered Caleb Norcross, and to avoid being questioned further he moved away

Fortunately for the two boys, there was an old trunk in the cabin, and also a s, and these they packed with such effects as they intended to take along A bargain was struck with the oods, and the two boxes were placed in his wagon, and then the lads were ready to leave the spot which had been their home for many years

”Well, I' Andrews, as he shook each by the hand ”But it looks foolhardy to h to come back home, see if you don't,” put in Caleb Norcross He did not offer to shake hands, at which the boys were just as well satisfied In a minute on seat, the whip cracked, and the horse started; and the long trip to Alaska could be said to have fairly begun

A stop was made at Basco, where Earl settled up such bills as still remained unpaid, and then the horse set off on a trot for Spruceville, which was reached less than three-quarters of an hour later At the latter place a way train for Bangor was due, and they had barely tie checked before it ca start and no mistake,” was Randy's comment, as he leaned back in the cushi+oned seat ”Two days ago we never drea to Alaska or anywhere else”

”I hope we haven't any cause to regret our hasty action,” answered Earl, gravely Then he ihtened up ”But we've started now, so let us h roads had or was reached before they could obtain anything to eat It was late in the evening when the train rolled into the station and they alighted Both boys had been in Bangor several ti obtained supper at a restaurant, theythe boat for Boston, having decided toprocured their passage, they were privileged to go on board and sleep there over-night

The trip to Boston was an uneventful one, although full of novelty to Earl and Randy, who had never taken such a voyage before They ht have enjoyed it stillas before therave perils the future held in store

”We don't want to look too green,” said Earl, when the steaers were preparing to go ashore

”Oh, I guess we'll pass in a crowd,” said Randy, laughing ”All ant to look out for is that we are not robbed, or soe on check, the two boys started from Foster's wharf up into the city They had no idea where the firm of Bartwell & Stone were located, but Earl was certain they could easily be found by consulting a directory

The elder brother was on the point of entering a large store in quest of the book mentioned when Randy pulled his arine, Earl!” he cried ”Let's follow it I should like to see how they , and away they went, easily keeping up with the engine, which had to proceed slowly through the crowded thoroughfare The fire was in a paint and oil works, and burnt fiercely for over an hour before it was gotten under control The boys lingered around, watching the movements of the firemen with keen interest, and it o hours later before Earl caught Randy by the shoulder and hauled him out of the mob of people

”Remember, we're bound for Alaska,” he said ”We can't afford to stop at every sight on the way”

A few blocks further on a directory was found in a drug store and the address of Bartwell & Stone jotted down They lost no further ti up the firround floor of a substantial business structure