Part 19 (1/2)

”It's easy enough, Earl,” said the captain, on eot to do is to keep your wits about you and your eyes on the rocks Tie the pail fast to the seat, so it won't float away if the boat gives too much of a lurch If we have to bail any, you had better do it”

They were soon on the way, out of the brightness of the early sunshi+ne into the gloo canon, which seemed to s them up

The roar of the waters between the rocks was deafening, and the flying spray sent a shi+ver through Earl Yet he stood to his postback, now that the perilous trip was once begun

”To the left shore!” roared Captain Zoss, presently, and Earl scarcely heard hi his pole, and Earl saas wanted They were running close to soht grating which er at least was past

But rew thicker and thicker as the _Wild Goose_ leaped, turned, and twisted, first in one e wave into the craft, nearly taking Earl from his feet Then, before he couldor not, the boat slid up al forth ”Now for the left shore, and mind the channel!” roared the captain, once more, and then the oars cah a clear cut in the rocks not over twenty-five feet wide The cut at an end, the captain thren his oar with a deep breath of satisfaction

”The wust on it's over,” he announced ”Jest pole her along easy-like now, and we'll be down to camp inside of half an hour”

The strain on the _Wild Goose_ had caused several of the sea with these until after the worst of the White Horse Rapids had been passed They must now take their crafts out of water and carry or ride them on rollers to the foot of the falls

This was a job lasting several days, for both the _Wild Goose_ and the _Buster_ were heavy, and it took all the men in both parties to reatest of the falls was passed, and then it was decided to draw the boats along through what remained, and after another hard day's labor they had the satisfaction of finding themselves free from further obstacles, and encamped e That day was Sunday, and it was spent in perfect rest by all

Thus far since the snow-squall on Lake Bennett, fine weather had favored the As soon as breakfast was over, the _Wild Goose_ was patched up and pitched over, and all of the outfit placed on board The _Buster_ was already loaded, and with the wind froe, a clear sheet of water, so from two to four miles in width About midway from either end of the lake there was an island, and on this rocky shore they were compelled to seek shelter about the ood-sized blow, and to sail in such a boat was, consequently, out of the question

Both the _Wild Goose_ and the _Buster_ had hardly been drawn up out of har this, all lost no ti fires to keep warm, for in this section of Alaska a rain even in the sued doith extra care, and this was a good thing, for by nightfall the wind had increased to a hurricane

The travellers to the gold regions were store for two days It did not rain all this tily to venture fro rather heavily, although occasionally relieved by a song from the doctor, or a yarn told by Captain Zoss, or Wodley, who, along with his wife, and Crimmins and Johnson, the other two miners, made themselves quite at home with the Portney party

”The wind has moderated at last!” said Randy, as the first out on the third”Now let us make the most of the fine weather while it lasts”

The others wereoutfit were taken down to the _Wild Goose_ without delay The Wodley party was also stirring, but did not start until some tiain until e was quickly made, and they entered the thirty-mile watercourse, at that ti Sale, theit easy over their pipes, for the captain was an inveterate sed occasionally in the weed

A good lance at his pocket co alht,” he said to Randy ”We ought to be headed for the northwest”

”Well, we're on the river all right,” answered Randy Nevertheless, he spoke to his uncle about it, who at once consulted his pocket map

”I'll tell you what you've done,” he announced presently ”Instead of sticking to the river that flows northward, you have turned into the Teslin, which flows to the south Swing the _Wild Goose_ around at once”

Much crestfallen over their o back nearly fourwhich had previously escaped their notice But once right, they found the wind directly in their favor, and with the sail set to its fullest, they bowled along until the Big Salmon was reached, and they swept into the broad waters of the Lewes River

”And now for the Yukon and the gold regions!” cried Dr Barwaithe ”Howto Foster Portney

”About three hundred and fifty miles,” was the answer ”And with the exception of the Rink and Five Finger rapids, which don't a Ten days ht to see us at Dawson City, ready to stake our claims”



On the following day the wind died down utterly, and no progress could beby the use of oars, and this was slow and laborious work They took turns at rowing, two at a turn, with the others taking it easy on the blankets, for the river was now broad and deep and as smooth as a mill-pond

On the second day they seehtly hilly country Here the banks of the strearoith bushes and flowers, the latter just starting to push forth their buds in countless profusion of variety and color The transforical and s in Alaska,” said Foster Portney ”There are no spring and autumn; just winter and su on will last until September, and then winter will come almost before you know it”