Part 25 (1/2)
Three additional nuggets had been unearthed, one as large as a pintsure they were not observed, the first nuggets were again brought forth, and each took a portion of theest was tied up in Earl's coat, which he slung carelessly over his shoulder as he trudged along
”Worth five to six thousand dollars if they are worth a cent,” said Earl, as he surveyed the lot in the privacy of their tent ”And we haven't begun to wash up yet nor tested that little crack This is the best luck yet”
Sos had already been put down in a hole under the bedding in the tent The hole was now opened and the new findings added, Earl first round was pounded down hard after this, so that if anybody wanted to dig the treasure up, he would find it a day's labor Nearly all thethe only protection to be had
On Saturday Mr Portney ca with him three Indians loaded doith lumber and hardware He wasthe lad a good talking to when Randy called hiood word for Fred; and then, when the Indians were paid off and discharged, the subject was dropped, by both boys telling of the wonderful find which had been reatly interested, and he sht out the first nugget and caused Earl to investigate further
”You certainly deserve credit for that, Dobson,” he said ”You shall have your full share of whatever the nugget proves to be worth As for that little split, the only thing we can do is to blow it open with dynaht a can of the stuff froency”
Foster Portney had heard about Guardley, and had also heard that some Canadian mounted police, who had arrived at Dawson City, were on Tom Roland's trail Guardley had turned up at Forty Mile Post whipped half to death, and it was doubtful whether he would get over his punishment
On Sunday the question of whether Fred Dobson should remain as one of the party or not was fully discussed The lad offered to work for nothing if only given his board and such clothing as he needed, and Randy and Earl said Fred could certainly cook as well as any of the a pick and a shovel every day Seeing that his nepheanted the runaway to be taken in, Mr Portney at last said he would ”let it go at that”
”I'll feed you and clothe you,” he added, ”and if we coe back to Basco and give you a little extra in the bargain But you've got to hustle the sath and health will permit” And Fred said he understood and was thankful for the chance, and would do his level best And he did do his level best from that hour forth His experience had been a bitter one, but at the same time it had been the best in the world for him,--exactly what he needed
The days which folloere busy ones With the luht in, Foster Portney and the boys constructed three sluice boxes, which, after coulch, where the water ht easily be turned on and off in the and a foot square, open at each end and at the top, the latter having a few braces across to keep the sides stiff At the bottoh were placed at intervals of fifteen inches apart, the last cleat, at the lower end of the box, being a trifle higher than the rest
A sluice box done, it was carried to the spot selected for it and planted firmly, with its lower end in the stream and its upper end elevated from one to two feet Then the upper end of the streah The box was now ready for use By shovelling dirt in at the upper end and allowing the water to run through, the dirt was gradually washed down and out at the lower end, leaving the heavy gold to settle to the botto the upper sides of the cleats previously ht the water was turned aside and the day's accuold was scraped away froood deal more with the boxes than we can with the pans,”
said Foster Portney ”And ashi+ng ant to do ulch freezes up”
It otten
To the contrary, all hands had often spoken of it, and as soon as the sluice boxes were finished every one in the claim turned to the place
Two sticks of dynamite were placed in the slit and set off, and the rock blown into a thousand frag beneath the slit which was a yard wide and twice as deep This opening was filled with loose sand and dirt, and at the bottohtly reat care, and found that it would very nearly fill a quart ets, but no more could be found, and the quartz rock Earl had hoped for failed to appear
”Never mind; we can't expect too much luck,” said Mr Portney ”A heap of dust like this is find enough for one day Let us scrape the hole thoroughly and cart the dirt down to the nearest sluice box” This was done and they examined the vicinity carefully for another slit, but none appeared This pocket, like that on Prosper Gulch, was now exhausted, and with a sigh Randy and Earl turned away to the regular work of washi+ng for dust Each had one of the boxes allotted to him, while Foster Portney took the third Fred occupied his ti the meals; and thus the balance of the summer slipped by until the day ca a cabin and prepare for the long Alaskan winter which would speedily close in around them
Mr Portney and the boys had long since decided where the cabin should be built, up against the side of a cliff, ten feet in height, which overlooked the head of the gulch All the reed that this would be the best spot, and six cabins were to be placed there, for hospitality's sake if for no other reason Mr Portney had already ordered the dressed lumber needed from the saw-mill; but as this was costly stuff, and expensive to transport, Earl and Randy had declared their intention to go into the tih wood could bein for style,” declared Earl ”You can get thefra boards, and we'll get out the rest, won't we, Randy?” And his brother agreed with hi in earnest Over a hundred dollars' worth of luain to bring it over In the ht out from the woods four sticks of timber for the corner posts of the cabin and had whip-sao-score of rough boards With thishands soon caused the building to take definite shape Seeing theot at it, and soon there was sawing and ha beneath the cliff
Of necessity the cabin was a simple affair It was set partly on the flat rock and partly on the hard ground, and enty feet wide by twelve feet deep, the back resting alainst the cliff In the front was a door and a , and there was anotherat the end nearest to the door Inside, a spare blanket divided the space into two coeneral living-roo-roo-stove, a rude table, and four ho-roo the rear and end walls Later on a closet was built for the cooking-utensils, but for the present these were piled up in a corner
Foster Portney was very particular that all the cracks in the side walls of the cabin should be filled in with mud, and the top, which was nearly on a level with the cliff, was alsowhere a circular hole was left for the upper section of a stovepipe
As soon as the cabin was in habitable shape, an account of all the provisions on hand was taken It was found that the canned vegetables had run low and that they also needed more flour A list of necessities was made out, and Earl and his uncle started away to Dawson City to purchase theoods on hand at the store were liable to give out long before the deo out into the woods to see what he could shoot, he being a fairly good shot and thoroughly faht best not to let hi the cabin in care of theclose at hand