Part 28 (1/2)
”I can't stand the cliain If father will let e and beco on to Dawson City to give upbecome satisfied that he could do better at this than he could in working a claim But the captain decided to remain where he was
”I'oin' ter rustle till I do”
”I certainly hope you strike it rich,” said Randy; for the pair were now greater friends than ever
It was a warulch, with their faces set toward Dawson City The Portneys had decided to return to the States by the way of the Yukon and the Pacific Ocean, and a voyage of five thousand s with theold, would they be able to get it out of this wild country in safety?
Foster Portney knew that the regular terminus of travel on the Yukon steaht old fields, which was now stronger than ever, two sular trips between these two points
When the party reached Dawson City, now the scene of great activity, it was found they would have to wait a week before they could secure passage to Fort Cudahy, as the tickets for the two following trips were all sold This wait, when they were iave them a chance to look around the settlement and become better acquainted with the various persons ere there
”Dawson is bound to grow,” said the doctor, who had hired a roon on the day he arrived ”See, there are actually three streets already, two stores, three saloons, a barber shop, and a reading and pool roooing to open a clothing store, and another is on his ithstore We are bound to boouess you had better strike up a partnershi+p with that druggist when he arrives”
”Not old fever, and when he is ready to strike out, I'll buy his outfit and run the whole thing myself I'ht, for during their stay in Dawson City he had eleven calls for his services, for which he charged the fee of five dollars per call, which was moderate for that place
At last came the day to part, and with a hearty handshake from the doctor the Portneys and Fred boarded the little side-wheeler _Alice_, and the long ho old, it was a happy congregation which spent the ti yarns” ”Swapping yarns” went on continually, and reat finds, perilous cli the ainter
”I've made seventy thousand dollars, boys,” said one elderlyinme back to put in another such winter--hear me!”
”I'm with ye,” said another; ”leas'wise, I think I aold fever struck 'in,” he added reflectively
Fort Cudahy was a small settlement on the Yukon, at the mouth of Clinton Creek Just above the creek was another settlement, called Forty Mile