18 Announcements... etc. (1/2)

Thanks alot for reading my work...

War Act I: The Factory of Heroes ( Scene 1 )

If you have read this, I have already submitted the next part War Act I: The Forgotten Planet ( Scene 2 ). Hope you enjoy the next scene. :)

I write per ”Arc” not per chapter... per Scene if I can but that would take weeks before I can release anything hahahaha. ( I just always have fun editing circumstances. )

If I ever post a single chapter that means I already made the whole 'arc' and just fiddling with it.



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When I started 'War' I did not realize that I was making dialogues; scripts, that the it started to look like a 'play' rather than a novel. After I finish the draft it was a mess.... :D ( it is a mess still... )

That is how War ”first act”, ”first scene” : The Factory of Heroes started out.

*First Act is about escaping the Proving Grounds, it is compose of three Scenes... 1st Forgotten City, 2nd Forgotten Planet and 3rd ”secret”, then comes War Act 2 ”Reality”.

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This was suppose to be an experiment, as most first works are.

”Just testing the waters” so they say, but I am starting to kinda like the story myself. Found myself sleepless trying to research to make everything as close to what I want it to be.

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