Chapter 3 (1/2)

Chapter 3: Mr Malfoy


Benjamin repeated the name, perhaps, this is the same as his aristocratic family? One of the noble families

Benjamin put on a decent suit as while at home they will not wear the standard black robes that identify co family

As he sloalked down the stairs, Benja that he wanted to ask if his parents are giving hih to eat as that’s how thin he looked

On the other hand, Malfoy is a lovely teenager, except Benja up, is bound to be a millionaire

Just like a cardinal would say, with color to conquer his followers

Draco Malfoy visited Ludwig Hall in Ger, and of course he was just on his way at the time

Draco had a moment of unhappiness

Mrs Ludwig sao teenagers did not eagerly greeted, random to introduce Benjamin

“This is Draco, a young son of the Malfoy family, you see him there Looks just like his father Lucius! But the eyes, these eyes like Cici” Mrs Ludwig also took the opportunity to touch his hand

All this is Benjamin sees in the eyes of her It seems his mother really is a sword of the old woman

So Benjamin came up with an aristocratic style, quietly squeezed his mother, and then took Draco cold little hands

“hello Draco, my name is Benjamin” A very quick self-introduction Benjamin said triumphantly

As he always did not like strangers to have physical contact, Draco wanted to withdraw his hand, but found his strength corily at Benjamin

When he met Benjamin’s eyes, Draco retreated

Benjaht it was his illusion, but he became afraid

“You callMalfoy did not feel Benjamin was at the point where he could be called “Draco”

And did not realize that their eyes scared Draco, Benjamin smiled and opened the hands of Draco, and then said

“No problem, Draco”


“Oh, this is the love of young people Draco, come here, I justdid not seeeneraland pulled Draco to the table next to her

Benjamin was bored to accompany Draco, his mind was on all the dead mice in the room Or to be more precise it was on the pus he made from the mice

He did not expect, a si effect Is it because it is a physical reaction?

When Benjaon Alley

How did he come over?

It was definitely not by the for been around the world looking for a trash can to vomit in

It was actually by floo powder

Diagon Alley, a ical place, where you can buy all the new stuff, such as wands, and pets All that you can think of

Everything makes Benjah Sic of the fluctuations, hisby the second

In addition, the cold front of Draco was to be seen in his vision