Chiko was very surprised and happy at the same time. Seeing one of the familiar figures from his known home at least brought him unexpected joy and hope. This mysterious and old bald man is actually his crocodile friend!
”Wow! You can transform!” Chiko said loudly.
”I am is flattered, my prince. ” Lolong replied and the next moment opened his mouth. Suddenly, a giant marble-like object rolled out of his giant mouth and floated in the air. The next instant, the marble expanded to around 4 meters and revealed familiar images to Chiko.
Inside the marble, Chiko can see the lively forest, the big trees he used to climb and the farmhouse where he grew up. His eyes suddenly teared.
”My home...” Chiko's hand moved to touch the rippling image before him but his hand just passed thru like it was just an illusion in the air.
”Is this really my home? Is this some sort of a portal that I can use to enter back?” Chiko suddenly has an idea and asked the crocodile for confirmation.
”The Maharlikan Sacred Sanctuary is actually a mystical isolated space created by thy Maharlikan King. As of this moment, I am afraid you can never go back.” The crocodile replied in a very respectful voice.
Chiko was sad with Lolong's response.
”Why? It is my home. I still have my things in there.” Chiko said.
”I am is afraid you are is to leave it there my prince. The Maharlikan king, your real father has an order for you that you must fulfill first”
”I actually have a father? And he is a King?”