Chapter 2 (1/2)

The Cruel Ee

Two years ago, the long war that happened between Hainzel Eed for about half a century for generations and was started because both of the countries were disputing over their territory, but then this war ended in complete victory for the Hainzel Empire

Or rather, it ended with the ascent of Wolfgang Hainzel to the E Ey in the field of warOther than Roware Kingdoed ith three other countries, but he used a quick pace closing the flags of ith those three countries and focusing all of his war power into fighting with Roware Kingdom

The territory of the Hainzel Kingdom, which was called the Continent's ruler, was to be the extent of 1/4 of the continent Codom, which had a size that was just about 1/3 of the eh level of technology, whichwith Roware Kingdom

However, the fact that he gained a coy in the field of war He, so that the ouldn't happen again for the second tiive hi didn't have an E was perfect

However, nohe waited, the Princess never caave his demand, two years had already passed and as expected he couldn't wait any longer Thus, he gave them a threat

”If the princess doesn't come, I'll behead all of the Roware's royalty”

The E was called the Cruel Emperor While he may have a beautiful appearance that made one astonished, he was an E an eye Due to that rumour, this threat had it's effect Two years after, the war ended After so long, the Princess ca

“Your Majesty”

The door of his office was knocked on and his close aide, Count Alberto Fown Hertzberg infor raised from his chair and went out of the roo in front of the door

“The Princess is?”

“She is already waiting However”

“What? Is she perhaps saying so selfish?”

As he asked that, Alberto gave hi, but Alberto answered with “It's not like that”

“Then what?”

“Well I think it's better if his Majesty looks with your own eyes”


What did Alberto htful face It's different if she was irl to have a scary face is a bit dreadful

However, the one who cadom and she was famous for her beauty If that is so then there was no need for Alberto to be worried about it

Well, he would understand it if he looked with his own eyes Thus, Wolfgang who thought of that line which Alberto said to him

Inside the palace chapel, which beca for the first time, saw the Princess, as to beco dress with a veil covering her face However, he can at least see that she has blonde hair When standing side by side with Wolfgang, there was a height difference of about one head tall However, thinking that Wolfgang was a huge man, then this was a simple matter of course

Wolfgang has quite a good physique Deep navy eyes with silver hair and long slit style eyes But because of those eyes that is also the reason why he is feared They gave hih inizes about himself

The wedding of soe, if he wanted too he could ant as possible, but he can also , since his partner will just beco In front of the archbishop, they only needed to sign the e form

The first thing Wolfgang did rite his signature Though his real na, but since it's an official docu this, the bride slide the pen on the paper and the words that she wrote was,

'Nicolette Do Roware'

Who was it The words the archbishop said, “With this, your 's ears who became surprised

“Who is she!? Who is that woman!”

“It said that she is a fully-fledged princess of the Roware Kingdom She is the Second Princess, Nicolette Do Roware Since her age was Nineteen years old, she is perfectly Ten years old younger than his Highness”

Alberto answered hie with Roware's princess’, it was also partially his fault for not confir his bride If she was really the Second Princess, then Roware didn't break their promise

“I thought that the Third Princess is the one who came”

“Ah, me too If I remember it correctly, her name was, Alexandrine”

Since Alberto also had the sa's assumption

The Third Princess of Roware, Alexandrine, was someone that is selfish but beautiful Since the First Princess of Roas already ht that the Third Princess was the one who cae

Now that he thought about it, he never heard anything about the Second Princess Even though he knew that Alexandrine is the Third Princess, never once had he thought of the fact about the Second Princess crossing his mind

“Then, why is the Second Princess called Nicolette the one who cae partner?”

”I too, don't know But well, Nicolette-sah”

Since Alberto said that while shrugging his shoulders he could only ask the person directly, or so Wolfgang thought After dinner, he iht to the bedroom

Inside the pair's bedroo a lae bed reading a book Looking at Wolfgang that suddenly entered the rooasp' was the expression she made

Without er at her Stranded on the bed, holding down her hand, he pushed the dagger toward her neck

“ His Majesty?”

Just like what Alberto said, Nicolette was a indeed a beautiful person She had wavy blonde hair, her surprised eyes that looked back at Wolfgang were coloured with violet Her eyes looked a bit like long slits A beautiful girl that give an aura of wisdom

However, rather than that beautiful appearance, Wolfgang was surprised because of the hand that he grasped was really skinny When he saw carefully, overall she was too skinny It's not like she had a slender figure, she really was too skinny Since her skin was also white, it looked liked she had a weak constitution

He can't object that he hesitated to point a blade toward such a person However, there was a thing that he needed to confirm no matter what happens

“Why are you the one who cah, certainly I didn't especially mention the name, but wasn't the Third Princess the one as supposed to come?”

She, who got pushed down onto the bed, a blade pointed toward her neck, hearing Wolfgang's question,expression Thus she easily opened her mouth to speak

“Well, you know, nant In a hurry they made me her substitute”


Though he leaked out some stupid sound, he continued to question her

“But, in these two years, they kept ignoring nant for two years right?”

“It sees, you know She said she didn't want to beco with our parents, she told thenant”