Chapter 63 Nel village (1/2)

We arrived at the village of Neel, half way between Alessa and Darth. It was said that even a horse will take 4 days, but it is half arrival. I got a lot of distance with the legs of the urushi and I could easily get through the cliffs and swamps with a mental air ride.

If you summon another guy, you can continue to move on and off with Urush forever? I noticed and tried summoning … ….

It was bad. For some reason, all the summoned lists have turned gray and have not been summoned.

I could not investigate further details in the data room, but I think that my equipment is probably not enough.

The summoner calls the contract upper limit “vessel”, the demon’s strength is “case”. Instrument is as it is. The case seems to be an image like water. The strong monstrous beast has more cases of cash on pools. And, when the vessel is filled with a case, it becomes impossible to make further contracts.

Urush is a unique monster with a threat level C. Even if it alone has the case that my container is full, it will not be strange.

“For the time being, is there a reason why Urushi only has to work hard? ”


You can understand this without going through a thought. You say you’ll do your best. Happy people with a healthy pet!

“Is not the urushi small enough? ”

“Oh … ….”

Well, that’s why I do not pamper you.

“There is a gate over there”

It covers the surrounding with a fence of trees and it seems that we have to go through the gate to enter.

When I presented a guild card to a soldier at the entrance, I was surprised a lot but I was able to enter the village without problems.

“It’s a quiet village,”

The girls who played the hoe gave a spirit of farm work, and the aunt was drying the laundry and doing a well-end conference.



“That’s right”

Today is the one night stay here. The question is whether there is an inn.

“Well then, do you have an adventurer guild? ”

Perhaps there are not even 100 villagers together. Is there a branch of the guild in such a small village?

I was wondering if it was. Well, if the sign was not hanging, I was thruing it completely. Even if you look it is a private house. Besides, it is smaller than other houses.


“Oh, are you?”

Even inside is totally private-fashioned. It is a feeling that forcibly made a counter at the entrance of an old private house.

“Lady, maybe this is a cafeteria or a tool store, but is it a branch of an adventurer guild for the first time?”

“I know”

“Huh, what can I do for you?”

No, it’s not as good as you though. However, there was a signboard of the guild, so I just entered.

However, it does not mean to say it honestly ….

“Fran, sell the material”

There is a little material of the demon beating down the road. It is only the monsters of ranks G and F. It will be about today ‘s lodging.

“I want to sell this”

Appearing the wind taken out from the item bag, put out some materials. Osassu, the receptionist who saw it, was surprised with his eyes wide open.

“This is what’s up?”

“fell down”

“Is your girlfriend?”



Well, I can not believe it. Well, it can not be helped though.

“Fran, a guild card”


“Daughter is an adventurer, yeah? And rank D? Is better, is not it?”

Do you treat it fake? Well, I thought that was a child’s mischief.

“No, but it’s done well, you can not declare it real?”

Osassu holds the card over the quartz which is the guild card authentication device. Apparently, it seems to try to investigate the authenticity. And it has a startling scream.

“Cheek, real? Real rank D adventurer?”

“Genuine article”

“I was surprised!”

When I hear the story, it seems that several Nelson village branches will be sent a few adventurers from Alessa at half a year change. As he stayed in this village for about three months, he seemed to be unaware of Fran.

However, it seems that rumors say that a phenomenal newcomer appeared as a merchant from Alessa heading for Dares visited this village.

“It is a black-cat girl who is terribly strong, and she is such a beautiful girl that Gilmus is bloody.” Who called you a Magical Sword girl, you heard that you are not less than a rank C if you are only capable? ”

The first half is good. It is strong and cute. To make Gilmus sober … …. Well, is there no harm to franc? The problem is synonymous! Even here is a Magical Sword girl. Something is spreading?

“Fran, a sword girl is called! ”