Chapter 236 Simulated war request (1/2)

Or rather, how much you can go for it is more important! Fran is pretty motivated, but if you overdo it might be a scar on your body and in your heart.

I told you that Gamud is keeping his eyes on, but I think that it is not a level to interact with real francs.

But you know Gumudo everywhere? Is it that the level of that adventurer is higher than I imagined? How about a fair simulation fight with Frank? In case

Or it may be a type of educational policy that knocks down a child to a Chihiro’s valley. Damage to the extent that it falls off the cliff may not be complete.

Well, seeing it will make sense.

We left the conference room where we were talking with Legus, once headed to the first floor of the adventurer’s guild. Even though I go to Gilmouth ‘s room directly, I feel forgiven but it is a request. I thought that it was better to have a reception properly.

“Do you have a gum?”

How to call is appropriate though.

“Mr. Fran, I have heard.

The receptionist gave me a room in the back of the guild rather than the office. When entering, weapons are placed narrowing on the walls and floor. It looks like a warehouse.

Some of them are waiting for armed gumdo.

“You came a lot!”

“Why are you participating in a simulated battle?”

Frank asks with expectation voice. I’m expecting a complete battle with Gumudo. But Gamud swung his head.

“No, I’m going to be a referee, I just wear armor, like being caught up, I will not participate in battle.”


It seemed like I regretted trying hard for adventurers, although it was Fran Frangers who muttered to regret. I am nodding with expressive motivation.


“Good, is not it?” ”

“I will do my best.”

Oh. He holds his hand and is pretty motivated. … Well, I pray for the souls of adventurers.

“Are you ready?”


“Well, shall we go to the train station behind?”

Training ground that was guided by Gamudo was quite big. There will be about 30 meters in diameter. The wall is also thick, making it not to affect the outside even if somewhat lounging inside.

“Oh my god! Does it get together!”


“Good morning!”



If you thought it was a couple of people, there would be nine people. Attitude that seems to be visible only to the Yankee of the earth, from the guy of evil evil, this seems to be getting burning with this – up to the person who stretches the spine and aligns it, individuality also varies.

It was surprisingly strong when I tried to expertise. About two people, there are those who are heading one by one. It is a phantom swordsman of level 27 and a level 26 firemaster. Rank D It is not as good as an adventurer.

Even though these two are exceptional, there are levels 22 on average. Even those with the lowest fighting strength are level 20 scouts.

“Today’s training will be a simulated fight”