141 Ice Cream (1/2)

”Does Nickel know about it?”

”No, and I don't want to tell it to him as well,” Zoey answered him.

”Why?” ”Because I don't want him to worry besides nothing had happened so maybe it's just an imagination.”

Alfie felt a painful stab in his heart whenever he remembers their conversation inside his car this morning. He knows Zoey care about the people around her but this is the first time that he felt jealous about her concern about Nickel.

”Sir?” Alfie returns to his reality after the repetitive calls of his secretary. He fixed himself and when back to their topic before dived into his memory lane.


”One week is no joke. I miss you so much!” Nickel took the chance to call Zoey during their lunch break on their last day at the convention.

”I miss you too and I'm excited to you see tomorrow night. Too excited that I'm going to wait for you at the airport instead.”

”Promise? Okay then, I will date you after I arrive at the metro. Anyway, did you take a cab this morning? I've heard from the agency that your driver is ill today. How will you go home tonight?”

Zoey chuckled from all his questions; it flows continuously with no breaks for her to answer.

”HAHAHA! Slow down, love. I asked Alfie to drive me over and be my temporary driver for today and tomorrow.” Zoey boasted about her newfound driver.

”I have to treat him a drink someday soon.” Nickel needs to repay Alfie's kindness in any way possible.

”No need, I'm using my best friend card anyway. What's the use of having a guy best friend if I won't use him to be my driver for two days.” Zoey joked around regarding their friendship.

Alfie arrived ASC before the clock strikes at five. As what he what promised that he will drive Zoey for today until tomorrow.