Chapter 6 (1/2)
“I wonder where that guy is by now”
Kail was together with Havella at the back-alley the three of theether
Havella was acting as if she was somewhere else Kail could only show a bitter smile about that
“You are really silent when that guy isn´t here”
“…Is that so?”
“That´s right”
“I see”
And with that, their conversation would end The three of the, but now that one of the, the conversation became in that state No, it was definitely because Al specifically was there that their conversations would be like that at those tiether
“Havella, at the tiuy comes back… Please, don´t stop me”
Havella tilted her head in confusion Kail frowned
“I already kno he returned those five years of good will in cruelty”
Havella averted her eyes Without caring about that, Kail continued to talk
“By using your connections and having you send a request to the assassin´s guild… he had the owner of the bookstore and his wife killed In order to destroy any evidences, they burned the shop They even prepared a corpse to take Al´s place just to be safe, didn´t they?”
Havella, the accomplice of the murder of the owner of the bookstore and his wife, still didn´t look at Kail in his eyes Kail continued with his words To Havella, not being the one blamed hat felt the worst to her
“It´s no wonder I had been thinking I was taking things too lightly Wanting to have a day-off ot from the memories of people and documents… But is that supposed to be how it ends!? Are you kidding me?”
Kail was uilty
“It´s really nice you aren´t souard, Kail”(TL note: - This line is kind of weird I think Al is saying that because of how Kail was talking about Al having killed the owner and the wife お前が軍や見回り連中じゃなくて良かったよ、カイル)
A voice that was definitely supposed to be impossible to be heard at this time here in this place reached the ears of the two Shocked, the two turned their heads to the direction of the voice The one standing there was…
“Yo, how is it, you two? You are evensuch stupid faces”
It was Al, as supposed to be outside the country doing so to do, the two of them didn´t think he would come back so early
“Why? Al, didn´t you leave the country?”
Despite Havella usually being very co Surprise and happiness andthat, Al smiled just for the sake of it
“Who said I was going to be outside for long? I said it was only temporary, didn´t I?”
After ju, Al approached them (TL note: It doesn´t specify where he jumped from)
“Well, I had enough of that sea of shi+t I won´t go through that place ever aga…”
Al rief” pose would be called? I don´t even knoould be… I guess so?”
“Sorry, Al”
Kail dived his fist into Al Being sent flying, Al fell into the ditch His face became twisted by the pain and the surprise
“What are you doing!?”
“Those people… They said you were like part of their family They said that one day, they would let your succeed the bookstore They didn´t have a son, so they would let you, let you…”
Kail was treiven Whether it was by fairness, or in the ethical sense, and obviously so by the laws as well, such thing couldn´t be forgiven Five years ago, the owner of the bookshop hired Al despite hi able to even read To Al, he was a benefactor that granted his Al owed to him were supposed to amount to the size of a mountain
“Ah, they were very nice people”
While wiping the blood that was at the corner of his mouth, Al muttered in a disappointed tone
“Really nice people”
If Al still had regrets about that, it would still be possible to start it over If he had even a fragret, it would be possible for him to redeem himself
“They were… very convenient for me”
If there is no regret… there wouldn´t be any feeling of awareness of having done a bad thing Not even the slightest
“They gave ave me a place to study They were very nice people They have my appreciation I hope they can live happily at the other world”
Kail couldn´t recognize who the person in front of his eyes was Al was soo through He was soe for his sister Kail knew that He understood that But then, what about theeverything worse than before?
“The only family I have is Arlette-neesan The only friends I have are the two of you Except for that, everyone else has nothing to do with me Why care about other people? Whether they will be useful to me or whether they will become a step for me to step on; that´s all that matters”
During those five years, Al beca What that certain so that was out of Kail´s expectations
“It had been that way since ever and it will be from noards”
Al took out an old parchment That was a document that consisted of only one piece of paper It was his ticket to the future
“This… It´s a third class citizen ID How…did you get it?”
A third class citizen In this kingdom, people that had the IDs froes of being a citizen of the kingdom It was a et his hands on even if he was to spend all his life on trying to
“That´s right, you guys can´t read This ID… I stole it, you see? From the little Willian-kun from Rushi+tania”
Kail and Havella couldn´t read Even if they were able to recognize that the design of the paper represented that it was a third class ID, there would be no way for them to read the naht away They didn´t understand that the written name in there wasn´t Al´s name
“Stolen, you say? Then, what about that Willian guy?”
“Who knows? Maybe he is deep inside a dark hole somewhere?”
Al didn´t show any signs of hesitation in saying that at all On the contrary, he had an expression thatall his anger, Kail became completely astonished He didn´t knohat he was supposed to say now
“IDs have the information of the little traits of one´s body; there should be ways to confirerprint of the owner of the ID It will be difficult for you to make use of it”
Havella became surprised for other reason There were many times that people tried to use false docuet exposed It was difficult to get your hands on a proper ID even at the most shady of places Sometimes, the ID of other people would appear for sale at the blackthe ID of so; it didn´t even have any demand for it in fact
“Yes, you are correct, Havella!”
Al acted as if he aiting for this question Al turned his eyes to Havella
“The identification docudoe If you use the ID of so to it After all, there is also the probleitals Even if they are in decline, the seven kingdo for their nadoms”
Kail looked at Al with confused eyes
“I´ve seenat the bookstore”
Al was happily explaining the reasoning behind his plan
“All the countries uses identification documents for people, but they aren´t the same Even if there are documents that are full of details… there are others that are si the si the sis stated there is the nae and the social status in the ho more And with all that… I won´t be hindered frouy”
It was a ht of Except in business trades, the identification documents of other countries weren´t really seen by people Al knew about the IDs of the other countries That´s why he was able to think of this plan
“Rushi+tania is a country located deep into theof various communities They social positions don´t have in with, es anyway They use identification documents for the sake of external affairs, but it isn´t considered very important That´s why it sucks It is filled with loopholes”
Al licked his lips A until now, the ID used in Rushi+tania was one a his listing, Al had been ca, but the logic behind it was very simple
“But I was very tense at the tiates If I had done any misstep at that tiet ner, all my worries and anxiousness were over With that, I can finally stand atline to the top!”
Havella gave an applause with an expressionless face
Al indeed had done great He was able to obtain so that it would definitely be impossible for a slave to reach out his hand
“Al, you are wrong”
However, all hisover corpses
“Kail, what´s been up with you? Don´t worry about other people Noto do with us, you see”
Havella nodded, agreeing to Al If Havella had to say, she had the same opinion To her, the demarcation that separated the ones she cared about from others was very clear; she didn´t care about other people
Kail gave a sharp glare at her Havella felt despondent
“Hey, I didn´t really want to say that, but you know Because you are a gladiator, you too should already have killed one or two people, right? Havella also had been stealing things You´ve already done these kind of things But even so, why is it that onlythat is a bit inconsistent?”
Kail hanged his head Seeing, Al snorted
“…Yes, that´s right No matter how much that is supposed to be your job, this is definitely so Someday, I will receive my retribution, and probably so will Havella That´s what karma is”
Al started to feel goosebued
“But I only wished that you wouldn´t need to enter in this world You became free after all I wished you could succeed the bookstore and keep living your life in a honest way!”
Kail moved his hand to the sword at his waist The instant the blade could be seen out of its scabbard, it beca intent