Part 2 (1/2)
Io vi accerto che io aspetto con una incredibile preo Jeri fui matina la messa cantata, e la sera poi il secondo vespero, perche era la festa della Madonna del Buonconsiglio Questi giorni fulio e viddemmo varie belle cose Se io volessi scrivere tutto quel che viddi, non bastarebbe questo foglietto In due Accademie suonai, e doiuochiaiuoco che imparai qui, quando verro a casa, ve l'imparero Finita questa lettera finiro una sinfonia mia, che comminciai L'aria e finita, una sinfonia e dal copista (il quale e il liamo dar via per copiarla; altrimente ella sarebbe rubata
Roma caput mundi il 25 Aprile anno 1770 nell' anno venture 1771
[Footnote: ”DEAREST SISTER,--”I assure you that I always expect with intense eagernesson post-days
Yesterday ere at S Lorenzo and heard vespers, and to-day at the chantedat the second vespers, because it was the Feast of the Madonna del Buonconsiglio A few days ago ere at the Cas If I tried to write you an account of all I saw, this sheet would not suffice I played at two concerts, and to- morrow I am to play at another After dinner we played at Potsch [Boccia] This is a game I have learnt, and when I come home, I will teach it to you When I have finished this letter, I aun The aria is finished The copyist (who is my father) has the symphony, because we do not choose it to be copied by any one else, or it ht be stolen
”WOLFGANGO in Germany
”Rome, mistress of the world: April 25, 1770”]
Naples, May 19, 1770
Vi prego di scriverrazio di aver you rite tosent o, se mai volete avere mal di testa, di mandar if you ever want to have a headache, that you will send me some more”] Perdonate mi che scrivo si malamente, ma la razione e perche anche io ebbi un pocoso badly, but the reason is that I have a bit of a headache myself”]
Haydn's twelfth minuet, which you sent me, pleases me very much; you have cohtest fault I do beg that you will often exercise yourself in such things Mauns are both polished up Tell ? and still whistle? Do you knohy I a about the canary? Because we have one in our ante-room that chirps out a G sharp just like ours [Footnote: Mozart was extremely fond of animals, and later in life had always birds in his rooenauer], no doubt, received the letter of congratulation which we intended to write to hiot it, I will tell hiht to have been in it Yesterday ore our new clothes; ere as handsoards to Nandl; she ently for iven on the 30th We saw the king and queen at mass in the court chapel at Portici, and we also saw Vesuvius Naples is beautiful, but as croith people as Vienna or Paris As for London and Naples, I think that in point of insolence on the part of the people Naples almost surpasses London; because here the lazzaroni have their regular head or leader, who receives twenty-five ducati d'argentothe lazzaroni in order
Madas in the opera--ere there Caffaro is to compose the second opera, Ciccio di Majo the third, but who is to coularly to Mirabell, to hear the Litanies, and listen to the ”Regina Coeli” or the ”Salve Regina,” and sleep sound, and take care to have no evil dreaards to Herr von Schiedenhofen--tralaliera! tralaliera! Tell him to learn the repetition minuet on the piano, to be sure to DO so, and DO not let hiet it He must DO this in order to DO ive my best compliments to all my friends, and DO continue to live happily, and DO not die, but DO live on, that you may be able to DO another letter for o on DOING till we can DO soo on DOING till all DOINGS are at an end In the mean time I DO subscribe myself
Your W M
Naples, May 29, 1770
Jeri l'altro fun Jomelli, la quale e una opera che e ben scritta e che n Jomelli ci ha parlato ed era molto civile E fumn Ciccio di Majo, ed era una bellissinora de' Arazia assai bene di salute, particolaro di scriveriorni di posta, e se anche non avete niente da scriveriorni di posta Egli non sarebbe mal fatto, se voi mi scriveste qualche volta una letterina italiana
[FOOTNOTE: ”The other day we attended the rehearsal of Signor Joly Signor Jomelli spoke to us and was very civil We also went to a church to hear a nor Ciccio di Majo, and it wasincomparably We are, thank God, very well, and I feel particularly so when a letter fro you rite toto write about, for I should like to have a letter by every post It would not be a bad idea to write me a little letter in Italian”]