s Vol 4 Chapter 26 (1/2)

B4C26: No way out

The Qin clan’s 50,000 Fierce Tiger troops have coer soldier’s eyes are filled with pride Only a half year has passed since the beginning of the war but the entire Chu kingdom has fallen into the hands of the Qin clan and therefore, as the Qin clan’s finest soldiers and officers, they all feel very proud

The Iuards have already scattered earlier The head of the Iuards was an elite soldier of the Xiang clan but he has been assassinated by the coward vice leader of the forbidden guards Afterwards the vice leader has led his uards into chaos

In the past all of the Xiang clan’sYu were extre 1000 years of a luxurious lifestyle, the Xiang clan is nowthat their own clan is falling apart, theseforwith them is — to confiscate their valuables then to throw them in jail

By now the Imperial Palace has beco clan who have committed suicide out of despair And bunches of eunuchs, ladies-in-waiting and coward forbidden guards have begged for er troops But there have also been loyal forbidden guards who have been trying to kill off the people who are afraid of death

Chaos, chaos, chaos!

The Xiang clan’s doomsday has come All of the people in the I to plunder the royal clan’s valuables and kill each other The 50,000 Fierce Tiger troops however only watch everything happening in the Iet involved in the situation

In the audience hall of the I in the throne A white-haired eunuch is standing on one side of him

“Your Majesty”

The head eunuch wang Meng looks at the Chu e has been in the palace since he was still a kid Now his only relative is his younger sister’s grandson, who he already sent to the Ming dynasty long ago with proper arrangements

However, an over 90 year old wang Meng does not want to run for his own life

Xiang Guang, who is sitting dejected in the throne, looks as if he is sleeping Despite hearing wang Meng’s words, he only raises his head after a long ti a lifeless look: “Oh, it’s you, Manager wang When things have come to this, only you still accompany me”

wang Meng says: “Why haven’t you run away, Your Majesty? As long as you can save your life, you will be able to stage a comeback, won’t you?”

Xiang Guang shakes his head: “Anyone else can run but I can’t” His eyes flash with coldness and fierceness “The Qin clan has been preparing for sofro the power of the East Vanquishi+ng Prince position But … that year I caused that incident, bringing about its current revolt”

“It was because ofGuang has gone mad

“Great Ancestor has already sent theclan to a different place He did so just in case so bad would happen but now it see clan Only they … are theclan at the moment I definitely can’t run away Once I run, the Qin clan will stop at nothing to catch me so even those hidden htly shakes

He then gives a disappointed smile: “I can’t run Without Great Ancestor, I definitely won’t be able to escape froht encircle to stay here to wait for Qin De After killing me, Qin De will be less likely to hunt down the otherclan With the protection of Great Ancestor’s 4 disciples, those hidden members should be able to survive I only hope that one day they will be able to avenge the destruction of the kingdoh I’ll have to die”

wang Meng looks at Xiang Guang for a long time as if this is the first tih: “Your Majesty, I’ve always thought that you …”

“Thought that I’ says with an indifferent smile

wang Meng does not deny, saying: “Judging only by the fact that you dare to stay here to wait for Qin De, I sincerely admire you, Your Majesty I’ There’s nothing else I can do but I’ether with you”

Xiang Guang gives wang Meng a look without saying anything

After a while, a black-clad silhouette suddenly appears in the audience hall Seeing Xiang Guang, he i: “Your Majesty, the mission has been accomplished All of the concubines and the other fe the princesses and the empress have passed away”

As soon as wang Meng hears this, his face changes color He quickly understands that Xiang Guang has ordered that all of his female relatives in the palace be killed

With an expressionless face, Xiang Guang however waves his hand in an unconcerned ive you uards’ clothes When the Qin clan’s troops enter the Imperial Palace, try to kill as many of them as possible”


The black-clad silhouette says expressionlessly then leaves the audience hall extremely fast at once

“Your Highness!”

With a loud sound, the Fierce Tiger troops, who are staying closely together outside the gate of the palace, all get down on one knee alht, only so several tens thousand people Qin De is bringing along his 3 sons and Xu Yuan heading straight for the Ier troops also rush into the palace right after him

At the moment Qin De looks apathetic There is no trace of a smile on his face

The 3 brothers, Qin Feng, Qin Yu and Qin Zheng, and Xu Yuan are not so direct toward the audience hall They seeer troops however are focusing their entire attention on everything around


A knife is drawn A Xiang clan’s forbidden guard is cut in half That Fierce Tiger soldier then coldly pulls back the battle knife in his hand

On the way to the audience hall of the Iuards who charge at the Fierce Tiger troops but what they do istheir lives away successively In a short while, the audience hall is already in sight Qin De’s eyes flash He cannot help walking a bit faster

Suddenly —

The 3 forbidden guards of the Xiang clan who are charging at the Qin clan’s troops from the distance speed up They coer troops like 3 illusions Blood then splatters and severed lier soldiers have been killed


All of a sudden, a cold humph rises With 3 sharp screaood A hole has appeared on the forehead of each of theh with pebbles One of the not long ago in the audience hall

Qin De turns his head taking a look at the 3 corpses without saying a word He then strides directly to the entrance of the audience hall

Qin De is outside the audience hall while Xiang Guang is in it Both of them look at each other Qin De takes one step after another into the audience hall while looking at Xiang Guang The 4 people consisting of Qin Feng, Qin Yu, Qin Zheng and Xu Yuan also follow him closely into the audience hall