S Vol 10 Chapter 29 (1/2)

B10C29: Sword immortal puppet

The ruptured space is recovering extremely fast In just a while, that spatial rift the size of Guishui City disappears completely

Qin Yu is standing inin midair before him

“I know Heaven better than you do!” That sentence gave Qin Yu’s entire body a shock

Could it be Heaven will not punish such aa city at all? Is that really so?

Zhou Xian is looking at Qin Yu sly with his perpetual know-it-all expression

But at theWhen he thinks about that good, honest mother and that innocent, wide-eyed little boy, who drooled over Tanghulu, he loathes Zhou Xian even more

“Causing the sky to collapse and the earth to rend with a wave of the hand, have you understood ly


A powerful voice, indifferent yet having a tinge of anger, resounds through the sky The face of Zhou Xian, who just noas still ses color In an instant, his expression and manner seem to be so friendly

“It is good to see you, Uncle Lan This ti since you left the clan My father also misses you very much Before I ca his regards to you” Zhou Xian appears to be humble and courteous

Uncle Lan has appeared in the sky out of thin air

He takes a look at the original place of Guishui City At the e body of water and not even a tile can be seen here The originally exuberant city has already disappeared just like that The river Li, which ran by Guishui City in the past, has filled the former site of the city with its water

Guishui City has been destroyed but Uncle Lan is not angry at all

“Zhou Xian, you should go home now” He says indifferently

Zhou Xian bows, saying: “The matter that yifu told me to handle has been settled so I should return now indeed Biaoo and keep her company Uncle Lan, I take my leave”

“Um” Uncle Lan says with a nod

Zhou Xian bows then soars straight into the sky A black hole naturally appears in the sky He ih it and disappears

“Xiao Yu” Uncle Lan goes up to Qin Yu’s face

Qin Yu raises his head to look at hi innocents wantonly isn’t a crime? Zhou Xian massacred the entire population of a city at will, why doesn’t Heaven punish him at all?”

Uncle Lan strokes Qin Yu’s head and says sincerely: “Xiao Yu, Heaven … definitely isn’t so a brat like Zhou Xian can describe as he pleases either But … at least in my current opinion, massacre indeed isn’t a crime”

Uncle Lan raises his head, looking into the sky At this moment, Qin Yu feels that Uncle Lan seems to be one with nature

“What actually is Heaven? I’ve pondered over this for countless years, but I still don’t know the answer … However, the seniors with countless years of experience inIt doesn’t care at all if you’re a mass murderer or a kind-hearted person, if you’ve helped tens of millions of people or killed tens of ible in the eyes of Heaven”

Uncle Lan seems to be somewhat downhearted

“The fittest survive in natural selection Either you’ll killto surround and kill one person or one personcountless people … whatever happens, Heaven doesn’t care about these petty things” Uncle Lan is very sure

At the moment, there is a hint of brutality in his eyes

“If Heaven cared, would so s have happened? Would I have ended up in ! Or I should say that it has no feelings at all” Uncle Lan’s expression is grim

He suddenly gives a ss But, it doesn’t care one bit about who you are, how high your status is and how formidable your power is, just like how a hus, only it doesn’t like to use the with people”

Uncle Lan looks at Qin Yu: “Xiao Yu, do you still re you for the 1st time I told you … not to love Li’er if you didn’t want to die? Do you still remember?”

“Yes, I do” Qin Yu says with a nod

Uncle Lan says with a sigh: “I thought so at the tiht that … some matters shouldn’t be obstructed forcefully and it was better to follow true feelings So I helped you by using ic powers to make it impossible for the other members of my clan to know about the relationshi+p between you and Li’er”

Qin Yu understands in his heart

He knows that the clan of Uncle Lan, Li’er and Zhou Xian has soic powers and Uncle Lan should be exceptionally powerful, enough to make the other members of the clan unable to discover the relationshi+p between Li’er and him

“But, even though I can hide it temporarily, I can’t hide it for life! Because you already fell in love with Li’er, you ive up, in which case, you’ll be able to live peacefully and happily without having to worry about things” Uncle Lan says sly

“Uncle Lan”

Qin Yu lightly shakes his head “Live peacefully and happily? I’d rather die than live like a walking corpse Since Li’er can wait for me, how can I be afraid of troubles?”

“Uncle Lan, you knohat, oal when I was little was to help my father and obtain his look of approval When I was stuck at the peak Houtian level without being able to ly if I could reach the Xiantian level through practice and help my father”

Qin Yu see those years in the past At that tile most important person in his heart, but now there is also Li’er aside from his father

“I already achieved that desire … I even killed Xiang Yang, allowing my Qin clan to unify the Chu dynasty and establish the Qin dynasty” Qin Yu is high-spirited and vigorous “It can be said that h”

“Solorious enough so I won’t care even if I die Is there still anything that can stop me now?”

Uncle Lan’s eyes have a tinge of delight

“My father once said a feords that I’ll never forget — ‘just do whatever you think is right The Qin clan’s sons flinch fro deserves to be feared by me either Zhou Xian is formidable but that’s only true for now I’ll practice and iether openly No one will be able to stop me!”

Pa! Pa!

Uncle Lan claps his hands with joy: “Very good Xiao Yu, looks like I don’t need to say much I’m very happy that you can think so”

“Looking at you, I feel as if I’ at myself in the past Only … you’re weaker than I was But your conviction is er than I was”

Uncle Lan is looking at Qin Yu with even more appreciation and approval in his eyes

“Follow your true feelings You only need to re This is already enough!” Uncle Lan encourages while patting Qin Yu’s shoulders

At the s Qin Yu is curious to know the s to and what power level he ether with Li’er

Both of these things are what he wants to know urgently

“Uncle Lan, can you tell me why I will die if your clan’s ether?” Qin Yu asks carefully

Uncle Lan gives a smile

“Xiao Yu, you should know Zhou Xian’s power, right? Even at your current level, not toabout looks, because … looks can change”

Qin Yu nods his head in approval

Uncle Lan continues: “Li’er is a girl adored byance Most importantly, she has a secret This is themen of so many clans pursue her”

Now Qin Yu understands

He has too many rivals already

“Therefore … once the relationshi+p between you and Li’er is uncovered, Li’er’s father won’t even need to act because those love rivals will be able to kill you nobody kno ly

Qin Yu forces a smile

Looks like having too

“Is every one of the

Uncle Lan says s those love rivals but … any of theer”

At last Qin Yu fully understands the gap between him and them

And it is an extra colossal one

“Are you still confident?” Uncle Lan looks at him with a smile